• Rant on Twitter
    EVERYONE is going on twitter now
    And honestly,
    I don’t know why.
    I mean, people will just take their phones and laptops and tweet till death.
    “I’m eating food.”
    “I’m going number 2.”
    “I’m going number 1.”
    “I’m throwing up.”
    “I’m running around in circles.”
    “I’m being robbed.”
    “My house is burning down.”
    “I’m at a funeral.”
    “I’m talking to my grandmother.”
    “I’m rubbing my uncle’s feet.”
    “I just fell off my cruise boat into the water.”
    “I’m dying.”
    “My llama pooped on my foot.”
    Does the world really need to know about all that lame stuff?
    Who cares if your llama poops on your foot? Who would even be dumb enough to have a pet llama? They are HUGE spitters.
    And some people’s talents with twitter are amazing.
    How the heck do you rub your uncle’s feet and tweet at the same time?
    And wouldn’t your grandmother know that you were tweeting while talking to her.
    Also, I really do not need to know that you are pooping or peeing.
    Who cares?
    I know I don’t
    Do you?
    I’m pretty sure you don’t.
    Because if you did…
    Well that’s a whole new story.
    Don’t you twitter people have lives?
    Because if you do (which you don’t)
    You’re supposed to live it to the fullest.
    Not leave it to the viewers.
    So…ending that…
    Goodbye razz