• Chapter one
    The Beginning

    tab I sat up screaming from my sleep, my hands flew over my mouth to silence the scream to not wake up any one. No, that can't be what he is up to, he told me that he would never do anything like that. I sighed lightly, and almost screamed again when I felt some one rub there hand on my back. I looked over to see him sitting there smiling softly at me. I never noticed how green your eyes where. No wounder I can get lost in them for hours on end. Yet something in his eyes was saying that what I dreamed was not a dream.
    tab My eyes widened as I looked at him, “You didn't! You couldn't have!” His eyes fell to the floor as his hand dropped to his side and nodded lightly, he spoke softly like an angel only more lovingly, “I have my reasons for doing this. Mother is ill and you know that Aithne, I want to save her as much as I want to be with you.” His eyes where on me now as he took my hand, “I love you and that will never change, they know who I really am and who you are as well, they know that Yoko and Yana are in us and they want that power.”
    tab I sighed, “but did you have to side with that three eyed demon Hiei? I mean, he isn't some one to be too trusting in.” I looked up at him and again his eyes where down, so he was hoping that I didn't find out about all of this. Something was up and I wanted to know what it was, yes mother was sick and is about to die. Teaming up with demons was something else though. He teamed up with them that means that I will be another one in the band. Where ever Kurama goes I go and I am a given with any team that he goes on.
    tab He looks up quickly as if reading my mind, “NO! I don't want you in on this one. This is too dangerous for you to go on. Going to Spirit world and taking the 3 artifacts of darkness is not something I want you to get into. Its something that I wouldn't be doing either if the furlong hope wasn't the one thing that I need to make the wish that I want.” He stopped and looked at me, something in his eyes was telling me that this was something that I didn't want to find out what it was.
    tab Just then the walls around me grew dark, along with him. Blackness was all around me, I didn't like this. It was the start of one of my readings of what is to come. I seen Kurama on the roof of a building, with some one else there. He was in a green high school uniform, one that I'm not sure of. I couldn't hear what they where saying. The only thing that I could see was the furlong hope glowing as an electric current takes over the two of them. With in seconds it dies and I snap back into the room, Kurama's hands on my shoulders as his eyes look in mine. I don't want to look away, I want to look into your loving eyes forever, but why would you risk your life. I gasp, “NO! You can't Kurama! Don't do it.”
    tab He took his eyes away from me as well as his hands, now he knows what I seen. “So, you seen what will happen now. I will use the furlong hope to help my mother, and in doing so it will kill me. I'm sorry, but I want mother to be happy, I love you Aithne, but mother means everything to me.”
    tab I could see something glitter in the corner of his eyes, tears. I never seen him cry, he was strong, I was the one that always cried to him. Just then it hit me, that other boy, it wasn't Heie or the other person from my dream that Kurama teamed up with. “Wait, there was some one else that goes with you. He was dressed in green, it looked like you two have meet each other.”
    tab He looked up at me, startled some what, “some one else? I don't know who that would be, but if he was in your vision then I am sure that I will meet him soon.” He smiled softly and kissed me lightly. “Now, go back to sleep, I'll go back to my room and wake you up in the morning for school.” He kissed me again as he got up to leave.
    tab I laid back down on my bed as I watched him go to the door, “night Kurama, I love you now and forever.” He turned and smiled deeply, “and I too Aithne. Now get some more sleep and try not to have any more nightmares. You know that I have good hearing and can guess when you are about to wake up and scream. Some times I think its some one trying to break in half the time.” He laughed lightly as he left the room.
    tab I smile a little as I close my eyes and drift back to sleep, but something still eats at me. That boy, he looks like some one that I know, some one that I have seen around here or heard of. I shack it off quickly as sleep comes back to me and new visions come into my head. Something that will happen over 2 or maybe even 3 years. Something that I would hate to happen, yet love. Well not me as Aithne, but me as Yana. Demons every where you look, and fighting! All the fighting that one can stand up to. That boy, why is he in every vision? Something about him brings him in to them, he is the one that connects everything. But how is he doing all of this, and why is he here to do all this. He isn't normal, and I know I shouldn't be talking of what is normal and not, but I just don't like how things will turn out.
    tab Out of nowhere there is a girl now, with brown hair looking at a distant at this boy. Doesn't she know that he isn't safe and that she should stay away from him? I wanted to yell at her, but something told me not to. They want her to find out the hard way on what he really is and how he is. Just like I had to with Kurama. Some how all of us will meet and be friends, and I would love for that day to come, both of us have some one to go to and bring all of our pains to. A girl to talk to about what is going on with our life, and how to deal with it.
    tab I didn't want the morning to come, I wanted to stay asleep and see the faces that I know I will see soon. I know that morning will come, and I will see the face that I long for the most, the one that I never want to leave me. However, I seen him in the near future so I know now that his life and that boys life will not be taken. I felt his kiss on my lips as he woke me, I loved his morning wake ups. I slowly opened my eyes as he backs away from me, his smile some how brighter then the sun that was coming up.
    tab “Good morning, are you ready for a good day today?” His voice loving and tender, and his eyes, why do they always draw me in. I nod as I sit up in my bed and look up at him. “I am Kurama. But what about you? I know what you are planing tonight. You plan on leaving and going to Spirit world with out me.” His eye dart back down to the floor as he nods.
    tab “So, this is how the story will start. I see, then let it start and keep going until the end,” I spoke as he looked up at me. I smiled lightly, “you will see what I mean in due time love, this is more like a play then anything that we will ever know.”