• The Battle of Four Souls
    by: Lex Hokata
    200 years ago a great doom has washed over the universe and a grave darkness appeared over the land. 4 brave warriors arose to attemt to stop this doom. hoverer this doom was not only sarkness but it was a darkness created by a man who has become insane. The name of this man is Sethromaru. He was a kind man and he worked for the army and he was a known on the battlefield as "The Great Demon Wolf". Once he found out he was not born but created and his mother was a demon he grew angry. He vowed to desroy the world and render it to dust. unfortinitly, he did and earth was never the same, it was non-existant. the man not only destroyed the earth but he was going for the universe. His plan was to destoy each galaxy one by one. This cannot happen, but who is to stop him, supposedly evryone is dead. The truth in the destruction of earth is that a small group of people was able to escape the worlds end. those group of people were now the resistance and they had 4 leaders. the main laeder or qween of them all was named Karieth, she ruled the resistance with a iron fist and a calm mind. her "knights" were called SOLDER and they were: Inuyesis, he always wore red and was the brother on Seth, Shoud, the emotional one, Zorroku, the womanizer and strongest one. these four heros would stop Seth from destoying there universe. the resistence found Seth as he was about to destroy Mars and began to fight.
    THe fight of the 5 drew long and hard and there was bloodshed, however this was only the beggining of the fight. Seth fled to Neptune and every one else followed. Once arrived they began to fight Seth. Zorroku began to draw his soul enchanted Buster sword and began to attack. Zorroku's sword is enchanted with the power to create a small vortex and suck up evrything in its path and the spirits of the things sucked up end up trapped in the sword casing it to become more powerfull. Now Zorro, killed many demons and beasts and he was the one responsible for slaying 1000 demons in a single blow. Zorro went ahead and attacked first. next up to start attacking was Shoud who was, at the time, crying saying how they man not live threw this and he attacked with his fire enchanted buster sword, however, his sword was just a plain fire enchanted katana, yet, he makes his buster to become an illusion. the next to attack was Karieth and she was violent and had a small temper, but she is a nice girl and attacks with a enchanted bow and arrow and she is also a healer so if her comrades are hurt shell heal them. Inuyesis was going to attack, but before he began to he was shot with an enchanted bow and pinned to the small island underneath the waters of Neptune. Seth killed the other heros with one strike, for, Inu knew Seth was holding back as he watched his comrades slaughtered in front of him. the planet neptune became the color of red when Seth was finished and he then turned to his dear brother. "join me brother!" Said Seth in a very intriging way "instead of fighting lets destroy the universe together". "No! i will not take part in the destruction of the universe and i wont let you destroy it either!" replied Inu. He then took the arrow out of his chest and faced his brother. "i wont let you kill inocent people and destroy a whole universe!" said Inu "sure were not human. sure we were made...but that dosint give you the right to destroy!" exclaimed inu. "if you are so willing to destoy...i wont forgive you" and with that Inu began his assault on his brother using evry skill he had to kill him. Inu had a rather large Katana and he had the power to use an attack that blatsts a gust of wond at the enemy, however, on a water based planet like Neptune, Inu will blow the whole planet away with his attack. The fight was fierce and with the last finishing blow Inu used his sword and yelled "WIND SCAR!!!!" he then blew Seth and Neptune away strait into a blck hole engulfing them and pulling them apart into nothing.
    Now, 200 years later the black hole turns into a small white dwarf star and the cycle starts agin, but this time, not one person is evil, but 4 and those 4 are the seperation of Seth and Inu. two were named Sephiroth the other was Sesshomaru. The other two was named Genisis and Inuyasha. the ones who had to stop this destruction was the split forms of the fallen. Karieth who split to become Kagome and Aerith, Shoud who became Shippo and Cloud, and Zorroku who became Zack and Moroku. the real question is, are they really the good guys? or are they imposing a much scarier threat?