• Troy Mainer had just turned 18 when he decided it was time to move out. He packed up his things and debated whether or not he should take them to the old storage shack down the road. There had been rumors and reports of seeing a ghostly figure linger around the hallway, but he thought, "There's no way ghosts exist." He came up with that it was the only way to go. He would take his things in the morning. The next morning, the sun was shining and the birds were chirping. It had been in the low 50s for three days now. It seemed like it was going to be a good day. He took his things into the storage shack and got assigned to Cell A7. He dragged his raggedy blankets and old bed sheets to the cell. As he lifted the cell door open, he felt a cold draft. He didn't think anything of it and decided to ignore it. As he put his things away and turned to get more stuff, whatever he just put down would be gone. He started being able to see his breath. "Must be getting colder," he thought, "I'd better hurry." He quickly put the rest of his things up and closed the cell door. It was then that he realized the sign, "DO NOT ENTER, TREAD AMONGST WITH YOUR OWN WARE." "Hm, wonder what that means." he thought. On his way to the main entrance--the only way out-- he was stopped. He heard three clicks and the lights shut off. Only one simple lightbulb illuminated Hallway A. He sunk to the ground with a sigh and sat down. He remembered he had a cell phone with him. He called his dad. His dad said he would be there in half an hour to pick him up with the storage owners. It started getting colder, so Troy went back to Cell A7 to get his jacket. He tugged the door open and everything he owned was gone. "What now?" he thought. He started sauntering the halls, first A then B and then C. 20 minutes later, Troy heard a knock and saw a shadow go across the wall and then fade out. "Dad?" Troy called curiously. There was no answer. He felt a tapping on his leg and heard a faint whisper. "Ugh, bugs. I've always hated them." No matter what happened, Troy reassured himself that there was no such thing as ghosts. He heard footsteps, and they got closer. "Dad?" Troy whispered with a waver in his voice. The simple fluorescent lightbulb started going out. "Troy." he heard a voice call. There was a gust of wind and as it disappeared, so did Troy. As soon as Troy's dad arrived, he saw a shadow. "Troy, over here!" he hollered, thinking his son would be unable to hear him. He chased the shadow across the shack to row A--Cell A7 to be exact. There, there was a note, "DO NOT ENTER, TREAD AMONGST WITH YOUR OWN WARE. To: Dad From: Troy" Troy's father opened up the cell to find Troy's jacket with his cell phone. The cell phone read, "One new text." He opened up the phone, "Daddy daddy oh my daddy how I'll miss you so." He thought, "I used to sing that to him when he was little. Why would he have that now?" The number it came from: C31147. Troy's father fell to the ground, having the epiphany that Troy was dead. The note swayed off of the cell door and onto the ground, almost ghost like. But, now it had no words; just a fingerprint--with blood.