• Shimizu stood in his office and looking out over the rukon district. His eye catches sight of a bird on a tree nearby the window who seems to be hurt and trying to fly. The bird reminds him of his previous life when he was alive...which somehow he could remember plain as day.


    -Saddened music playing-

    Shimizu: I remember that day...as though it were only Yesterday...I'm not even sure how i remember it...but i was like that bird. It was at a carnival...everyone having fun..just everyday life..nothing to worry about...or so i thought. "Shimi! Come on Shimi! I want to ride the ferris wheel!" That was my little sister...she was wiley at that time and i had to babysit her ALL the time...at that time, it annoyed me..but now id do anything to see her again. "Im coming dont worry we'll ride the ferris wheel soon enough." *Shimizu walkes toward his little sister while she stays put* At that time I had a small knowledge of spiritual things...i could see hollows pretty muchly clear although they were faded and ghostlike. Things had happened in my life because of this that made my parents send me to theropy...but i didn't need it..i knew i wasn't crazy. *Shimizu and his little sister walk to the first ride...a little tower that rose and dropped you to make you feel funny. Shimizu pays for the tickets and both of them get on. The ride slowly starts to take them up.* I remember looking at the stars in the sky while my sister sat quietly in her seat...we were thrust down by the ride and our stomachs churrened. The ride slowly lifted us up again...little did i realise that when my stomach turned, it was of more than the drop...spiritual pressure has released itself at that time from somewhere nearby..but at that time i had no idea i had even felt that pressure. The ride slowly went up for another drop. Then...everything grew cold and quiet..none of the sounds of rides moving and humans talking could be heard...I felt sick..this earie quiet was not of human occurance...and then it happened... *Out of the dark a huge explosion of red and orange lit up the whole park. The dark of night disturbed by the flash of fire.* I was scarred...the explosion came in the direction of the ferris wheel...what was silence turned into all out chaos..people screaming, explosions erupting one after the other...it was horrible. The next thing i hear is my sister screaming "Shimi the ferris wheel! Shimi the ferris WHEEL!" at the top of her lungs. I looked over to see it slowly falling over..the giant hunk of metal was toppling in our direction..with us strapped in our seats and unable to move. I quickly tried to think of a way out..but then oddly through my franticing the power goes out and the suction on our seats is gone. I quickly unbuckled my sister and mine's belts and lifted the seats up. Although we were free of our seats two problems still remained...for one we were possibly 30 feet in the air..secondly the ferris wheel slowly falls toward both of us. *Shimizu grabs his sister and makes the jump off of the ride and landing on the ground with his legs...shimizu suddenly feels a surging pain in his legs and he soon finds that one leg is broke while the other is severly cracked...reguardless shimizu runs with all of his soul with his sister. Right as the ferris wheel collapses on the ground they stood shimizu jumps out of the wheel's range.* "Brother!" Yelled my sister...but she was the only one who could truely walk. "Go! Find mom and dad...bring them back here!" *Shimizu's sister runs off reluctantly to find their parents* What I remember next was me lieing there...helpless...like a bird without flight. The next thing i knew..IT was beside me..a filthy creature it was. It was blue..a triangle mask clouded its face..six long tentacles rose from its back...it stood on two legs and had two arms with pinchers like a crab's and the size of my whole body. I just sat there hopeless...scared. "What a tasty snack..the ones with high spiritual awareness are always the best tasting..and the best part..I dont even have to work for it." *The hollow licks its lips through a small hole in its mask.* I sat there horror filled...i knew i was going to die..i never thought it would be by one of those though. Just as it thrust its claw toward me...my sister comes running to me from beside. More horror fills my eyes..i screamed to the hollow to kill me and leave her out of it...my sister wonders why I was yelling out to nobody but continues to run towards me...before i knew it the hollow thrust a tentacle at her and a spike showed itself from the end..what i remember next may be too hard to bear. *Blood drops to the ground from an elevated level. Shimizu stares...his eyes white with fear. There...right in front of him was his kid sister..stabbed through the heart by a hollow's cursed claw. Shimizu starts to cry as the hollow throws the young girl's body towards the ground. Fire was all around them all* "Oh too bad..she'll have to be desert." "You MONSTER! IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" *Shimizu screams at the top of his lungs.* "Now how will you do that when your DEAD!?" The next thing i felt was not pain...nor happiness...i could see everything going on...i could see the claw of the hollow completly stabbed through my heart...oddly..in the face of death i felt nothing..just an infinant blackness that seemed to creep over my whole body..my last muttering words were "I will get you..." and next..everything was gone...all that happened next me was nothing. What seemed like years later...I woke up. But I was nowhere near the place I had remembered nor was I in a place that seemed familiar to me. I sat up from a bed to find I was in ragedy clothes. I stood up on the floor of the small cabin. I was confuzed to so I walked to the door and opened it. A ray of light flashed through the room. I wondered if I was in heaven...but then my eyes adjusted and I found myself in a strange marketplace type town...people shopped and lived what seemed lives..everyone wore the same clothes and had the same house as mine, lined up beside each other.

    -The screen changes to show Shimizu fixing the birds wing-

    I never questioned what happened...I just accepted it...and lived my daily life..or death.

    -End of Segment 1,Chapter 1: The Death