• Hi this is the frist one so if its bad plz dont comment mean comments ok! thx

    Sakura Blossom has just Logged in

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    Sakura: hey

    Ino:Hi looks like its only girls!

    hinata: thats true

    Tenten: We should play truth or dare

    Temtem18 has just logged in

    Temari: Hi!

    Hinata: hello temari we where just about to play truth or dare


    Ino: Ok i will start Hinata truth or dare?

    Hinata: TRUTH

    Ino:who would you like if you didnt like naruto?


    Ino: oooh kiba huh?

    Hinata: yes

    Ino:mmmm i guess kiba is kinda hot


    Ino: like u didnt just think that!

    Sakura : i guess ur right

    Sakura: But still i like saskue more!

    Tenten: Ok well i guess most of us kinda think kiba is hot

    Ino: hey look dont get the rong idea i dont really like kiba i just think he is a bit cute thats all!

    Sakura: ya!

    HWgirl_101 has just logged in

    Hizuki :hi

    Ino: OMG

    Temari: who are u?

    Ino: u dont know her she is the frist konuichi to get 46 s-rank missons and get them all in a sucesse when she was only 12!!!!

    Tenten: OMG i know u! u are The legandary Hizuki!!!

    Hinata: it would be great if Ayumi would be here she is the one who defeted 300 road ninja in only 2 hours without a strach on her

    Ino: ya you and Ayumi are the greatest!

    Ayumichick77 has just logged in


    Sakura: awsome !! do u guys wanna play truth or dare with us ?

    Ayumi: sure

    Hizuki: sure

    Hinata: well its my turn um Ino truth or dare

    Ino: dare

    Hinata: ok i dare you to answer this question who do you like better shikamaru or saskue??

    Ino: WHATTT!

    Ino: what kinda a question is that!

    Hinata: well answer it

    Ino: why woud ... i like shikamaru......

    Temari: oh ya

    Ino: oh temari!

    Temari: oh someones at my door

    Temari: oh hi shikamaru!

    Ino: shutup!

    Ino: is he really there

    Sakura : no he is not we are on webcam

    Hinata: you didnt answer it yet...

    Ino: OH ! UM i uhhh

    Tenten: Ino u r always saying how cute saskue is why is it so hard to decide once shikamaru is on ?

    Ino: uhh nothing saskue of course. . . . . . .

    Hinata: are you sure

    Ino: umm ........... n....n... YES ...........

    Sakura whispers: hey tenten she obvisaly is lying

    Ino: SHUTUP BILLBORED BROW I SAID SASKUE NOT shikamaru......i think

    Hinata: what?

    Ino: nothin ! i said saskue

    Ino: Ok ten ten truth or dare!


    Ino:tell us who u like!

    Tenten:n....n....... neji........


    Tenten: shut up ! ok i like him i give up i do ok!

    Tenten: Sakura truth or dare


    Tenten: ok tell us do u like saskue like a crush like ino or are u seriously in love with him

    Sakura: I..I... love him and i want to help him .... i really do love saskue

    Temarie: G2G bye yall

    Temtem18 has just logged off

    Sakura: Um ok uhhhh H....

    Mr.Avenger has just logged in

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    Sakura: SASKUE ! exclaim

    Ino: SHIKAMARU! exclaim

    Hinata: Oh KIBA! . NARUTO? exclaim

    Tenten: NEJI!!! exclaim


    SEE PART 2 COMIN SOON ! whee