Death. It is something we all will come to experience, no matter how hard some of us try to avoid it. However, despite its certainty, no one is quite certain what happens to the soul once we do die. It is impossible for us to truly explain something as uncertain as the afterlife and many choose to write it off as improbable, choosing to believe that all that waits for us after death is decay. To some, this is the easiest to believe and yet to others it is a very disconcerting concept. If all that awaits us is to become a feast for worms and maggots, what use is there for us to live life in a way that will mean anything? Some believe this is where the concept of the afterlife originates from, the need to feel as if life wasn’t at all meaningless, to feel a sense of higher purpose, if you will.
Along with the concept of what happens after we die, there is also much speculation over what happens to us in those final moments of life. It is said that we watch our lives flash before our eyes, a sensation that has come to be known as Life Review. Those who have faced death and come out alive have often described this phenomenon as if they were watching a movie of all the moments that meant something to them. If one survives through the experience, they might learn something about themselves and perhaps even emerge from the experience as a better person. For the rest of the unlucky people though, the ones who are unable to survive, perhaps these images will provide comfort to them as they lay dying.
In the case of Marion Watson, she had to admit that felt cheated. You see, when one gets suddenly and unexpectedly shot in the head, they don’t get to experience that final nostalgic rush. There isn’t even the proverbial light at the end of the dark tunnel. There’s just the echo of a discharged weapon and the thud of a body as it hits the stairs of the church. The End.
If only death were that simple.
Worse than Purgatory
Chimerical Reaction
Death is something we're all familiar with, but what happens after we die? Yes it's short, but it's just the prologue so it'll be okay... Genres: Dark comedy/adventure.
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