• I looked at the car approaching and smiled with content. I quickly stepped of the side walk but my friend grabbed me hastily as the car screeched as if someone ran their nails on a blackboard.
    “What are you doing?” she hissed.
    “Nothing,” I replied meekly. My friend’s name was Eli; she was about ten centimetres taller than me and had brown hair with flecks of black.
    “You’re acting like a child,” she muttered as we crossed the road. I began to fidget as we kept walking towards our favourite café.

    I felt stupid for trying to cross the road when a car was coming. I tried to go to sleep but I had too much to think about. I stared at the clock which seemed to be frozen in time. My room was big and had a balcony but I didn’t feel like going outside. I saw a few dark objects scattered around the room and thought that I might go read a book to get my mind off things. Instead, I decided to drag myself out of bed and head off towards the bathroom. By the time I reached the mirror, tears streaked down my face. I was surprised that I was crying. I wasn’t sure why until the same thoughts repeated through my mind. I can’t let my friends down, I can’t do this! Until I thought, What is the point of life? We’re already destined to die. I'll just speed up the process!I saw a person in the mirror and my eyes squinted. I made out a figure with hair which hung loosely over her shoulders and remembered that I never turned on the lights.
    “Why are you crying?” a familiar voice yawned as she stumbled into the bathroom. I glanced at the mirror and saw my eyes red and swollen. I shook my head to say that nothing was wrong but Eli wasn’t convinced.
    “Laura, you’ve been acting really strange,” she observed as she staggered out of the bathroom.
    “I really should stop thinking about this,” I said aloud as I walked out.

    I quickly grabbed the car keys and enjoyed the cold metal brush my hand as I ran out of the door. I jumped into the car and saw Eli emerge from the door. Her hair was splayed everywhere and she wasn’t fully awake. I quickly reversed out and saw Eli scream out something. I believe she said ‘Laura!’
    “I am clearly out of my mind,” I said to myself as I turned the radio on.
    I heard Josh Groban singing ‘You raise me up.’ I fumbled around trying to change the radio station. I sighed until I heard ‘Fix You,’ by Coldplay. I groaned in annoyance and punched the radio. Smoke started to waft out of the box. I grunted and ignored it. As the red light emerged I stopped and slammed my head against the wheel while the light turned green a few minutes later.

    I drove on as if in a daze until I saw a car about to crash into mine. I gaped and tried to speed up but my hands completely froze up. All I could do was gawk as I saw the car collide into mine. I also just realised I had no air bags since my car was really old. I was frightened about dying now. I didn’t want to die! I sobbed as I felt the life drain out of me.

    “Laura!” Eli cried as she inspected the scene. She opened the door and tried to grab Laura but the policemen pulled her out. Eli saw Laura lie lifeless on the car seat and her blonde hair tied neatly into a bun. Blood was starting to dry up which meant that the scene of the crime happened ages ago. One of the policemen placed a hand on her shoulder but hesitated to say something.
    “I’m afraid she’s dead,” he said and which pulled the trigger for Eli to cry.
    “This, this can’t be true!” she stuttered as she struggled for words. Eli ran towards her car and almost speeded home.

    Eli collapsed to the ground on Laura’s balcony. Eli cried for hours and hours and she watched the night sky hoping that Laura would magically appear out of no where. The stars twinkled silently but had a million words to say. Eli hoped that Laura wasn’t dead, that policeman was joking when he said that! But Eli knew that wasn’t true as the night wore on. She glanced at the sky and saw a shooting star topple through the air as if it didn’t have a care.
    “I wish, I wish Laura was back,” she muttered.