• Yunae stood ponderously atop a large archway spanning the with of the great stone bridge of Crass. Many Similar archways lined the sides of the bridges full three mile expanse; their columns casting dark shadows along its length. The Bridge crossed the Crass abyss which ran the length of the entire Planet of Crass, and was held aloft without physical supports by heavy and ancient magic.

    Yunae gazed thoughtfully into the depths of the immense crevice. She wore a simple sleeveless shirt and a basic blue Jeans. Her shirt was blue on its sides with solid white down its center; a gold trim ran down the middle separating the white from the blue and adding a nice general detail. As a Goddess Yunae was generally supposed to wear her golden robe; as a goddess with no one to stop her, she wore whatever the hell she wanted. Her hair long and golden hair flickered in the wind rising from the crevice, and her ambient blue eyes sank into its depths.

    A sleek black form landed on the archway adjacent to the one Yunae stood upon without sound. The dark body of Agatha righted itself steadily and shifted into a relaxed posture. She donned skin-tight black stealth armor with matte black plating covering her arms, legs, and torso. In accessory to this she had upon her, many belts of ammunition and explosives buckled around her waist and legs, with two handguns set in their holsters on either side of her waist. The suit covered every inch of her body save for her head. Her short, layered, red hair danced similarly to Yunaes in the currents. Her eyes ,however, focused solely on Yunae.

    Agatha studied Yunae for a few moments. Yunae was a Goddess, essentially meaning she could crush reinforced concrete with her bare hands without even breaking a sweat. Nothing Agatha couldn’t do as a Vampire, but you might say Yunae could do it better.

    Yunae averted her gaze from the black depths and turned towards Agatha. She sighed letting her head droop a second before picking it back up, Her eyes showed sorrow towards Agatha.

    “I had hope for you…well, I hope you’re happy to be one of them now.” Agatha smiled devilishly back at Yunae.

    “I can Imagine how you might feel and believe me I love it.” She remarked with an evil smile. Yunae sighed more deeply this time.

    “I will amend my mistake then.”

    “No, you will be destroyed by your mistake.” Corrected Agatha. She immediately Lunged at Yunae with such speed as no human could have tracked yet Yunaes reflexes processed the incoming attack within tenths of a second. She grappled Agathas leg and spun with her atop the archway to control the force of momentum; with total control she flung Agatha down through stone archway before her and into the bridge flooring with so much force the bridge cracked all the way through itself in that section. Agatha quickly moved just before gigantic slabs of stone collapsed into the chasm. Yunae allowed no arrest in their combat however, and threw herself at Agatha with extreme force, her legs extended into a violent kick. Agatha evaded with machine precision. The crushing force of the kick shattered the bridge even further and more severe cracks formed along its surface. The bridge swiftly began to crumble throughout a large area of its surface. Seeing the imminent danger Yunae and Agatha ran along the bridge tailed by the fissures. And yet still there was no halt to the fighting.

    Agatha drew her handguns and commenced to fire upon Yunae; Yunae charged spheres of dark red energy and launched them at Agatha in response Electrically charge steel slugs hurtled towards Yunae wildly and inaccurately, none were a hit; Similarly the bursts of energy flying towards Agatha missed consistently no direct hits were made. Unexpectedly the fissures sped in front of the two and the walkway arches began crumbling and falling before them colliding into the bridge creating wide gaps. Yunae and Agatha rushed along narrowly bypassing falling stone and each others assaults. Yunae leapt out from the collapsing bridge onto its tall archways and continued her escape from the collapsing bridge. Agatha wished to follow suit, but could not get through the screen of debris and energy blasts to follow. Yunae thought quickly and charged for a stronger energy attack. A beam of dark red energy discharged from Yunaes palms and sliced through the stone construction in Agathas path. The falling rock destroyed the bridge before her and she gritted her teeth angrily. Forcing her arm before her she fired a burst of pressurized aura energy through the rubble blasting it apart exposing the large gap in the bridge. Running full speed Agatha holstered her handguns and vaulted over the break catching the ground where upon landing she slid several feet before stopping. Not far ahead of her Yunae stopped as and well they both breathed deeply. For the few seconds as they recovered, they observed that the fissures running along the bridge had ceased their pursuit and left nothing in their wake, there would be no going back.

    Yunae leapt down from the archway and cast a blow with her fist aimed for Agathas torso. Instantly Agatha brought up her guard and absorbed the blow with amazing sturdiness. The force of the attack caused a strong enough blast of air to knock over a full grown horse. Yunae launched several kicks succeeded by furious punches. With violent speed Agatha blocked or evaded the strikes. Suddenly a swift jab to Yunaes retracting arms opened up a small hole in her defense. Sharp and snake-like, Agatha jabbed rapidly at Yunae. Even though they were meant to strike fast the attacks also carried immense power; The destructive capabilities of any of these blows was enough to shred steel plate. Yunae only suffered three hits before she thrust her arms upward in a counter attack. Within five tenths of a second she slammed a kick into Agathas torso, an attack that would have easily killed any human through six inches of steel.

    Agatha flew back through the air wildly. Quickly she stabilized herself and looked behind herself, she didn’t see much landing room. She hit the ground sliding backwards kicking up dust off the stone flooring. She had to much momentum to desist her sliding. in time and as She reached the edge of the bridge she cart-wheeled backwards grabbing onto the ledge. She swung and threw herself upwards spinning twice before landing hard on the ground. She stood shakily, and wobbled slightly as her forward armor fell in shattered pieces on the ground before her. Spitting out blood she regained herself in only moments and rushed Yunae in a mad assault. Jab, jab, jab, kick, kick and with a final Strong kick, she defeated Yunaes guard. Wasting no time Agatha spun around and blasted Yunae with the back-side of her fist. The force catapulted Yunae across the bridge.

    Yunae hit the ground hard but managed to stay standing as she slid backwards and to a stop. Blood spilled out of her mouth and she spat at the ground painting it red. The two combatants gasped for breathe in a rare pause in the battle. Their eyes glowered at each others with killing intent. All at once they were instants away from returning to their brawl, when the entire bridge shuddered violently. They each looked back and forth across the bridge yet saw nothing. Suddenly the Bridge began to crumble and collapse as it had earlier and they realized the magic cast upon the bridge had now broken, and with the structural damage they had caused to the bridge, it was falling to pieces. Sprinting at speeds up to fifty miles per hour, the two opponents ran again for their lives as the bridge collapsed behind them. In little time they saw the end of the bridge on the other side. Knowing the opportunity had presented itself to them, the two opponents began to furiously assault each other again in attempts to knock the other off the bridge.

    Continuing with her Spherical energy blasts Yunae blasted Agatha from the other side of the bridge impelling dozens of them at her within seconds. Confronting the attack from Yunae, Agatha sped in close to Yunae and unclipped one of her grenade belts.
    Knocking out her guard with an unexpected head-butt, Agatha firmly clipped the belt around Yunae and pulled all the pins out. Yunae immediately tried to disconnect the deadly explosives from her person, but Agatha gripped her by the throat and ran with her an additional second before throwing her to the ground and jumping forward off of her crushing her against the hard stone ground. Yunae recovered as fast as she could unclipping the belt with lighting quick movements, yet all in vain as it was still to late. She tossed them and just a few feet from herself the grenades all simultaneously exploded propelling her backwards, rolling her along the still self-destructing bridge. Fortunately for her, she had thrown the grenades toward the opposite end of the bridge and they thusly jettisoned her away from the deathly drop; she stood shakily regained herself. Without warning the ground beneath her began to give way.

    Agatha Reached the end of the bridge well before it had finished collapsing and she watched a few seconds as she regained her breath. She looked back over to where the bridge had lead her. Agatha was surprised to find herself atop the highest cliffs she’d ever seen; she looked down over the cliffs into a vast desert terrain. Many large and reddish rock formations dotted the dry cracked land. She then looked down directly over the cliffs; Agatha estimated the drop to be a mile or more.

    With no warning and blinding speed, Agatha was thrust out over the edge of the cliff by an overwhelmingly powerful kick of seven tons of force. Yunae had not died from the grenades nor the bridge collapsing, as Agatha had hoped and she fell unable to stabilize herself. Propelled by her own momentum Yunae had no choice but to leap off the mile high cliffs after Agatha, and the two spiraled downward toward the desert floor.

    To be continued…