(The Mountain Trail-Naruto and Team's P.o.V.)
"Okay, stop, everyone," Kakashi said getting out his book. Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke stopped.
"What is it, Kakashi-sensi?" Sakura asked.
"We're taking a break." Kakashi said as he flipped through the book to find his page. Naruto sighed with relief and dropped to the ground by the cart. Exhasted from pulling the cart all day.
"Sakura, go and get some water. There should be a lake up a head." Kakashi said.
"Okay, Kakashi-sensi," Sakura said and got the water cantines from the cart and turned to Sasuke. "I'll be back, Sasuke," Sakura said holding the cantines. Sasuke just ignored her. Sakura ran off up the trail.
"Naruto get some food from our side of the cart and make lunch." Naruto got up and dug in the cart. "Sasuke got some wood and get a fire going, We'll be resting for awhile," Sasuke nodded and took off through the trees of the forest. Naruto grummbled as he got some food.
Kakashi went and sat down by a tree by the trail and started to read his pervertive book.
"Hey, Kakashi-sensi?" Naruto said as he got the out of the cart with an armload of food.
"Hmm?" Kakashi read.
"What are the people in the mountain village like, anyway?" Naruto asked.
"Hmm..." Kakashi thought. "Don't know. Been to long since I was last there," Kakashi said.
"What were you there for?" Naruto asked. Sakura ran back carrying the cantines.
"Here, I refilled them." Sakura looked around. "Where's Sasuke?" Sakura asked.
"He went for fire wood." Kakashi said. As if on cue Sasuke walked out of the forest with an arm full of wood.
"Sasuke, I got you some water," Sakura said, holding a cantine out to him. Sasuke walked past her and dropped the wood on the ground. Sakura's head dropped and she went to the cart to the cantines on the cart wheel.
Sakura gasped and dropped the cantines, as a kunai shot past her, bearly missing her face. A kunai went for Naruto, but he dodged it. It went in the food, splatering it everywhere. Kunais and shuriken shot out at Sakura and Naruto. Sakura covered her head. Sasuke ran in front of Sakura and blocked the kunais and shuriken with one of his kunais. Naruto dodged and blocked them.
Bandits came out of the forest and attacked them, heading for the cart. Kakashi stopped two of the men and knocked out three more. Sasuke charged at a man coming out of a tree. Two men attacked Naruto, but he knocked one on the head and quickly did a hand sign.
"Shadow Clone Jutsu," Five more Narutos appeared and knocked that guy out, then went for some other men. Many more bandits came out of the forest. Sakura dodged some kunais and attacked a man at the cart. "Don't let them get to the cart!" Kakashi ordered knocking three bandits back into the forest and dodging two shuriken.
"Kakashi-sensi! There's too many!" Sakura yelled and dodged a kick and punched the guy in the head. He went flying but two more came at her.
Suddenly snow started to fall and to freeze some the bandits feet to the ground. Naruto started to attack the ones frozen and knocked them out while the other Narutos guarded the cart. Two figures charged out of the bushes and attacked the bandits.
One was a young man in black with a sword slicing up some bandits while the other, a small-looking school girl iced them over and shattered them. The bandits saw them and started to run. A few of the guys at the cart took some supplies, but the girl stopped them, by iceing them by their legs with giant ice hands and sent them flying. The man in black sheathed the sword and caught the boxes and placed them carefully in the cart. Naruto and them just stood there in shock. All the bandits left carrying the ones knocked out and dead.
"That's a relief," The man said whiping his forehead. The girl smiled and giggled.
"I have to admit," she giggled. "That was fun," Kakashi was the first to snap out of it, shaking his head.
"Who are you?" Kakashi asked.
(Back to Hatsuyuki's P.o.V.)
I giggled as the bandits ran away.
"Who are you?" The white-haired, masked man asked. Hiroto looked at him and bowed.
"I am Hiroto," He said.
"And I'm Hatsuyuki," I giggled. The blonde boy praticaly jummped.
"I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and I'm going to be the next Hokage!" He yelled. I flinched.
"Hokage?" I repeated. "What's that?" I asked. Naruto's face dropped.
"The Hokage is like the Kokage." Hiroto explained. "The Hokage is the leader of the Leaf Village, Konoha,"
"Oh," I said. "Where is that?" I added. Hiroto sighed and shook his head.
"I'll explain later. Anyway the rest of you are?"
"I am Kakashi Hatake of Konoha," The masked man said looking around behind a bush for something. He stood up and looked behind a tree.
"And I'm Sakura Haruno," The pink haired girl said. "Don't mind Naruto," She added. Naruto crossed his arms and pouted.
"Sasuke Uchiha," Blue Boy said, not really careing.
"Nice to meet you, Kakashi, Sakura, Sasuke," Hiroto said, nodding to them as he said their names. I giggled in responce. I saw something in the corner of my eye. I walked over to it and picked it up.
"What is this?" I asked looking through the book I found.
"What?" Hiroto asked and looked at me. He read the cover 'Come Come Paradise.' His face went red. He zoomed and snagged it from my hand, holding it up in the air out of my reach and holding me down with his other hand on my head.
"Hey!" I yelled, reaching up for it.
"Not to read, Yuki!" Hiroto said quickly. I crossed my arms and dropped to the ground, crosslegged and pouted, lip out and everything. Kakashi looked at us cuirous, then saw the book in Hiroto's hand.
"Ah, there it is," Kakashi said and walked to Hiroto and took it from him.
"This is your's?" Hiroto asked still red faced. Kakashi rubbed the back of his neck and laughed nervously.
"Yeah," He said. "Anyways thanks for the help," Kakashi said putting the book in his pocket.
"No, prob," I grummbled. Hiroto dropped his hand on my head. I smiled up at him and stood up.
"Where you going?" I asked them.
"We're making a delivery," Sakura said.
"Yup. To the Mountain Village," Naruto said. Hiroto's face tightened and my heart sunk.
"Oh," I said looking down.
"Is something wrong?" Kakashi asked.
"No." Hiroto said, he pointed to the cart. "Might want to make sure everything is there," He said. Kakashi nodded.
"That's a good idea," Kakashi said and went over to the cart. Sakura approched us.
"Where are you from?" She asked.
"Nowhere special," Hiroto said. Hiroto looked at the postion of the sun. "Wow, that late already?" he said. "Hatsuyuki, I'm gonna get the bags. Stay here, okay?" he asked me. I smiled and nodded as he went back in the trees.
Sakura smiled at me and I smiled back. Sasuke bored, went and sat up in a tree, letting a leg hang lazily over the side. Naruto hung out by the cart. "Your water based attacks were awsome. How long did it take to learn them?" Sakura asked. I tilted my head and chewed my nail.
"I was born with it," I said. Sakura looked at me.
"Really?" She said. "Who old are you?"
"Umm...12." I said having to think for a second. "That's what Hiroto-san told me."
(Naruto's P.o.V.)
Naruto watched Hatsuyuki and Sakura as they talked. ~There's something different about her,~ Naruto thought. ~I wonder what.~
"Hey, Naruto?" Kakashi said interruping Naruto's thoughts.
"What Kakashi-sensi?" Naruto said, looking over to his sensi.
"Why don't you go see if they want to stay and camp with us tonight?" Kakashi said checking through the supplies.
"Why don't you ask them?" Naruto asked.
"I'm busy checking supplies," Kakashi said. Naruto walked over to Sakura and Hatsuyuki. Hiroto guy came back with two backpacks and gave one to Hatsuyuki, who threw it over her shoulder.
"Hey, guys?" Naruto said. Hatsuyuki and Hiroto looked at him.
"Yeah, um..Naruto?" Hatsuyuki said.
"Do you want to camp with us for tonight?" Naruto asked. Sakura smiled.
"Yeah, will you please?" Sakura asked classping her hands together. Hiroto and Hatsuyuki looked at each other. Hiroto nodded and Hatsuyuki beamed.
"Love to, Naruto, Sakura," Hatsuyuki said, smileing a smile about the size of her face.
"Okay," Naruto said and went back to the cart to tell Kakashi. Sakura ran to the tree were Sasuke was sitting in and looked up at him.
"Hey, Sasuke. Hatsuyuki and Hiroto will be camping with us tonight, okay?" Sakura said. Sasuke turned away from her.
"Whatever," He said.
...to be continued...please go to chap. 3 Meeting New Friends
- by Nezume girl |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 07/06/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: First Snow Chap 2
- Artist: Nezume girl
This is chapter 2, "Bandits." of First Snow. This is a Naruto story. Hatsuyuki and Hiroto were traveling away from the mountain village and Team 7 were assigned a deliverly mission to that village.
Chap 1:http://www.gaiaonline.com/arena/writing/fiction/vote/?entry_id=101511799#title
Chap 3: http://www.gaiaonline.com/arena/writing/fiction/vote/?entry_id=102210853#title - Date: 07/06/2009
- Tags: first snow chapter naruto story
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