• Lost.
    What did I do to deserve this?
    My head isn’t allowing me to think properly as it was struck by a storm of emotions. The feeling of isolation is beyond my imagination. I never thought it would feel so painful; almost like an icy long blade constantly stabbing into my heart.
    And what am I doing to try and stop that? Nothing but sitting here in this eerie forest sobbing my heart out. The most frustrating thing is that I can only stare at the moon to avoid the darkness. Looking at the luminous moon reminds me of how my mother used to comfort me. The longer I stare, the more I crave for her presence to be here and to cuddle me close to her, protecting me from the obscurity.

    My nostalgic hallucination shatters as the freezing wind pierces my fragile body, reminding me who I was. Lost and lonely. I touch my icy cheeks and wipe away the frozen tears. As I start to warm my stone cold hands with my breath, a strand of light glistens in the darkness. Without even thinking twice, I dash towards the light. It’s like my hope is back, my soul is burning bright and my mind is purified.

    I slow down as I get close, promptly hiding myself behind a black obstacle. The figure is breath taking; it glows vividly with sparkles trailing every step it takes. The elegant wings twitch slightly. I was in total awe. The mesmerizing maroon eyes, glimmering brown hair, perfectly pointed nose and cherry red lips leave every point of my body lifeless. It happens so quickly that I lose balance and stagger forward. Then, I was staring at the creature dancing and twirling into the darkness. My hope is gone. The cruelty and isolation burns my mind like an unforgiving flame. I looked at the moon again. I can’t give up yet.

    I feel like I’ve been wondering around the same place without making progress. I don’t even think there is a way out of this petrifying forest. Tall trees were everywhere; the air smells of decaying greenery and fresh dirt. A howl of the wind sends shivers down my back, a sudden roar in the darkness follows; leaving me rigid right on the spot. What the hell was that? My blood starts to boil and my heart pounds uncontrollably. My instincts tell me to run; to run away quick and quietly. I take off and run blindly in a direction.

    As I run, I question myself - Why me? Why can‘t I be like other children and live a normal life? Why can’t I have parents that can love and cherish me? Tears shoot down my cheeks endlessly. As I force my eyes open against the cold wind, a shot of light blurs my vision, overtaking the darkness. I stop to rub my eyes. Everything is so bright and blinding with rays of colorful light chasing each other. Am I dreaming? I’ve been in the dark for so long that I can’t seem to trust my vision anymore. As I take a step more, I notice myself moving into a totally different world. I can smell the fresh grass, hear the birds singing and feel the sunlight diffusing into my skin; awakening every cold cell of mine.
    I lay myself onto the grass and open my mouth to taste the air. I wish my mother could be here, feeling what I’m feeling, hearing what I’m hearing and to experience this newly discovered haven.
    As I open my eyes, a dark figure towers over me, covering the sunlight and interrupting my moment. I can’t really see clearly who this visitor could be.
    One thing’s for sure though; definitely not human.