• "Shut up!" I snapped.
    Lola made a small pfft sound, but shut up. We couldn't see much- just a little dim light in the distance.
    When I heard the footsteps, I stopped breathing altogether. I was so determined not to be caught that I made sure I wasn't going to give even a little bit of myself away.
    They luckily passed by, not noticing us crouching behind the desk. I thought I heard one of them pause, but heard them carry on walking. I relaxed, still aware though of the danger we were in.
    A few moments passed, and then they came back. This time they stayed in the room- talking loudly.
    "Alice is having problems. We're trying to carry the 'coke' over to Australia, but the police have been rather cautious about it all. We are trying our very best."
    "A shame. Apparently MI5 have been sending children to investigate. Children. Such a ridiculous idea."
    I heard one of them chuckle and say: "Idiotic, I would say. What would children do?"
    "I haven't a clue. Any success here?"
    "Quite a lot. Ben and his gang have sold most of their 'coke', and are working on the Marijuana."
    "Good, good. Lets hope they won't get caught."
    There was a bit of shuffling and then a: "Wait a second. Look!"
    I knew they were pointing at us. I signaled Lola, and we both ran. Both men were rather shocked, but then ran themselves to catch us. I just about missed the clasp of one of them- although Lola was not as lucky. As we were approaching the stairs, one of the men- who was rather big and chunky- had grabbed Lola and pulled her away. I heard her shout: "Danni! Help!"
    I felt a bit guilty but ran on. After all, Lola was able of escaping- and I needed to report the loose cases as soon as possible to MI5.
    My name is Danni Kye. I am 15 years old, and I was hired to work for MI5 2 years ago. I enjoy it- the missions, the investigating. This particular case was on drug dealing- there were suspected cases of drug dealing outside the country and in the country from a company named Pole. It was dangerous- but we were trusted.
    Remi, our mission controller, came 5 minutes after I called. I told him everything- and about Lola. He told me there was nothing to worry about- she would escape sooner or later.