• I didn't know how to say it to him, but I had to
    As I leave her and see him face, I didn't know how to react, I cried and cried
    I missed him, and that same day I here scratching at me door
    It was him,
    My puppy
    I was so suprised I still cried though
    If my mom saw, she would take him to the pound
    I don't want that
    I don't want him to leave me again, but he has to
    I keep crying and I cannot stop
    My poor puppy, only to be 5 months old and helpless
    I had to think and think
    So i thought and I figured I could hide him

    It has been months maybe a year
    And my mom hasn't found out, but what will I do?
    My puppy is atleast a year and I know he must go
    Even though it will kill me on the inside

    I bring him to a wide open space and sit him down
    I tell him to stay, but i can't even leave him
    I finally clutter the nerve to leave but he follows
    I tell him to stay once more and leave
    Him eyes open wide and his tail curls up and he starts barking
    As if he knows I'm leaving him
    I told myself not to turn around but I do
    Running as fast as i could,
    I run up to him and cry
    I can't leave him he's my puppy and my baby
    I can't leave him I just can't
    I don't know what to do I love him to much to leave him
    But my mother.

    I try again to tell him to stay
    Again his tail curled up, his eyes got wide and he barked
    This time I didn't turn around
    But my insides were dieing

    As I went home my mom gives me the good news

    I can keep him

    As I rush to him I find that he was no where to be found
    I sat waiting for him for hours, but nothing
    He has gone to somewhere better for him

    I wald him sadly
    And my mom comes out of the house and hold him up
    She just said "Was this whay you were looking for?"
    I quickly run up to give him a great big hug
    We were re-united and boy we both cried