• Its hard to live when your life is full of empty promises

    He grabbed her hand as he dragged her behind him. The tears were steaming down her face and there was nothing that could stop them. She walked blind and numb, getting dragged along the pavemented road. The only sound was that of their torn shoes hitting the cold ground. In the distance through the vast fields was an old building This is where he was pulling her to.
    His name was Travis and her name was Christi.
    The sun was beginning to set, which meant a cold dark night, probably filled with rain. At this point Travis realized they wouldn’t get to the old house unless he carried Christi. He gently lifted her onto his back, and he started to run. Ignoring the burning in his lungs from not running in a long time but he kept pressing until they got within a few feet of the house. Now, being closer, they saw it wasn’t a house, but a large old barn. The red paint had been faded and the copper hinges had been rusted. There was an ominous quiet about it, but they needed someplace to stay. They couldn’t go back, not after what happened to Ryan. They could never go back. Their homes were now abandoned coffins.

    They walked up to the barn and started pulling on the door. Christi grabbed the rusted lock in her hands and started pulling. She wasn’t making any progress so she let it go. Her hands were covered in an orange tint, which matched her hair. Travis was walking around to the other side of the barn to see if there was another way in. He found a door on the back, and kicked it in. It was broken down from the natural elements so it wasn’t hard.
    “Christi, come here” his voice echoed through the door. She jogged around to meet him where he stood.
    “are we going in?” she asked.
    “we have no other choice” he said as he grabbed her hand and they started to make their way inside.