• tab I saw Maurice approach me from the Order Office. I smiled and put down the weights I'd been lifting. "You got some orders for me Maurice?" I just barely hid the excitement that was welling up inside me.
    tab Maurice nodded. "Master needs something from outside Society walls. You're the only ranking officer he trusts on this mission."
    tab "What do I gotta collect?" Some of my excitement leaked into my voice, making Maurice smile.
    tab "You need to get some water at coordinates 85 degrees N, 72 degrees E. It's a few miles away, but you have to be extremely careful. You will be unmercifully punished if an outsider spots you." Maurice was grim as he said those words. "Be careful Mariella."
    tab Maurice handed me my orders packet and I half ran back to Rae and my's room. Rae was sitting on her bed drawing a portrait of a vase of artificial flowers when I burst in.
    tab "Ella? What's the matter?" Rae looked at me with concern written plainly on her sweet face.
    tab "I got orders from Master. He wants me to go and get him some water from outside Society walls. I leave in twenty minutes." I grabbed a small pack and started throwing essential mission items in. I also tossed in spare clothes and my black armor.
    tab "You get to go outside Society walls! You're so lucky Ella. I wish I could go too." Rae's disappointment was obvious in her voice and face.
    tab "Sorry Rae. I wish you could come to. It'd be more fun. I'll message you when I get there." I closed my pack and tossed it over my shoulder. "Bye Rae." I closed the door behind me as I left to go to the gate.