• My life was great, well as good as a 14 year old girl's life can be. I love magic so my mom bought me a ticket to go see the famous magition Magic Alex. I was so excided I watched her on T.V. all the time. I heard the doorbell ring it was my best friend Ryan (a girl just so you know) that was going with me to the show. We've been best friends since 1st grade, probalbly because we both have names that boys usualy have my name Logan and hers Ryan. We stuck together espesialy when people teased us. When we got to the show we were both really excited. We were jumping up and down in our seats. Finally the show sarted. The first trick she did was a trick that she needed a member from the audience to do. She chose me! I ran up on the stage. She asked me my name, I told her, people in the audience laughed, and then she started the trick. She waved a sheet in front of me a couple times, said some magic words, then I was gone...