• Hey, this is Emily, also more commonly known as, Emily the Strange. How did I get such a nickname, well, you'll have to wait for that cause that comes with the story. Anyways, some more info on me. Height:5'0. Weight:100. Eyes:gray/blue. Body type:short, petite. Hair:red. Style(the real question is what clique I fit in with):goth freak. Fav. Color surprised f course, red.

    Any ways here I am, spring break, and Im on the computer because there's possibly nothing I can do around this boring suburban I live in. I know, Pathetic. And worst of all, im grounded. For nothing! So this is where the story begins and adds up to how I got grounded. Im going along day by day, so try and follow along.

    May 12, 2009

    It's just struck midnight and my black Jack watch was glowing an eery green and instead of beeping, it was playing the Nightmare Before Christmas theme song. Of course, it was cold outside as I left the club with Kevin and Raeven. Under my breathe I swore for not wearing those rigged pants instead of these net hose and skirt.

    I looked over to see Kevin wrapping Raeven in his snug jacket and sneered. They'd only been dating the past two weeks and their all 'hot-n-heavy'. Lately I've been feeling like the third-wheel.

    "Gee, thanks for sharing the warmth and love."I use heavy sarcasm, which is never a surprise considering it's the only language I speak. Then Raeven jumps out from under the coat and jumps me. Ugh, too much love."Get. . .off."I delibratly seperate the words for emphasis and it works. But she just skips back to Kevin and clutches onto his arm as we begin to walk down the darkened street.

    "Err, Im going this way, so I'll see you two later," I announced but they were probably too 'distracted' with each other to have heard me. What ever, who needs lovey-dovey friends anyway.

    As I walk down the street I remember why I hang out with them. I' m not bored like now. So, I begin kicking a rock but quickly lost it to the dark. The dark, where in stories vampires lerk in the night and werewolves change on full moon. To have all the advantages and just not be human, I'd give up anything. I even went as far to creating a website for mythical creature fanatics. So far, I've got over a thousand hits. Great, another down thought to drown in.

    Just as I began dwelling in my newfound sorrow, not too far behind me I heard a loud snap. I hesitated, then yelled at myself for being paranoid. But then I heard another loud snap that came from above me. This time I paused before walking agian.

    "It's a freaking squirrel Emily, Jeezez." I said to convince myself it wasn't anything else, but even my voice outloud sounded a bit shakey. Instead of walking though I fastened my pace and hurried to the next street lamp.

    This doesn't feel right. It's like something straight out of a horror movie, I tried to humor the situation. Okayy, not working. Before I could think up of any other crazy ideas, I jolted to a stop barely missing the falling object, or shadow, or what ever it was. The dark night dimmed my eyesight but my eye's had adjusted enough while I was walking that I could make out the outlines. My assumption of it being a cat was wrong. It was a person and by the size, a man not too tall. Probably about the same height as Kevin, so about my age. I waved my hand at the still figure.

    "Umm, Hi." I barely squeeked."Can I help you?" To my relief he moved and seemed alright.

    "Hello." His voice was like velvet and sent chills running down my bare back. It was intoxicating and compelling enough that before I knew it, I was slowley making my way to him. Everything seemed to be far away and all I cared about was him, which was weird because he was a complete stranger. How could I possibly 'love' a stranger that was eminating an aura of hunger and desire? Hunger? Is that what was in his eyes? And were those fangs that were only inches away from my lips and soon enough caressing my neck? The last thing I remember was a sharp pang from my neck and then, yep, lights out.

    To be continued. . .