"...But NO! You had a COUPON"
"Okay, great. This is just WONDERFUL." Lelola bit her lip and gently gnawed on it with a growl as she threw dishes into the sink.
"That stupid shipment of sheets didn't come in. 'We'll have it tomorrow' they said! LAST WEEK! Great. Honestly. Wonderful." The girl scrubbed the pot in her hands so furiously like it owed her money.
"Now how..." She grabbed a plate and tossed it into the dishwasher "...am I supposed to tell our boss that we didn't get them in? Really honestly." She slammed the pot onto the dish towel covered counter.
"And how am I supposed to tell our boss that we didn't order them from another site? The BETTER site? I WANTED to order them from Ikea, but you wanted to order from Anna's Linens. Even then I knew that Ikea was the better choice..." She grabbed some forks and tossed them into the dish waser.
But NOOOO! You had a COUPON."How are we supposed to run this hostel without CLEAN SHEETS?! How am I supposed to tell her that I didn't do my job sooner like she said because I work with her nephew who is a complete moron that insists on using coupns? I can't say that! I'll get fired. Thanks, Kane. Really. I mean it. Thank you for getting me fired."
Lelola dried the last plates in the sink as she sing-sang "I LOVE MY JO-O-OB!"
Kane sighed and collapsed in his chair, gritting his teeth. He looked at his friend, Lelola, mad that his attempt at saving money only sent her in an fit of unrighteous fury. She wasn't always this mad... And when she was, it was normally at his aunt, Sarai, who owned the hostel. But this time she was mad at him, because it would mean that Sarai would get mad at her, and then she would get mad at Sarai.
"Honestly, Kane, I don't know how I put up with you sometimes." The auburn haired girl looked at the dark haired boy blond, who hung his head in shame. Kane fixed his glasses.
Lelola sighed. "Look, those sheets will come in soon... I hope. And if they do, at least we spent less money. Hey, do me a favor and wash the lobby windows, please?"
The windex and paper towels were tossed at him, and Kane caught them with ease. Kane walked through the empty hall. The hostel was empty so far, but the studying programs were going to be flooding in soon, and then back packers would be coming in and renting rooms and beds.
Kane sighed and sprayed the light-flooded yet dusty window with windex. He wiped the blue solution off as he thought himself, in silence as he always did.
Kane sometimes wondered if he was going to spend his life working here forever. There were other times where he wondered if he'd ever meet someone, or if he'd move on. He was never able to get anywhere because of his mute state, and so he'd wonder if that was the reason that he had never gotten anywhere.
"...But NO! You had a COUPON"
Ha. I get bored and sometimes write random things. xD
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