• Chapter One:

    “Angie Simms,” the intercom screamed loudly into the waiting room of the air port. “Angie Simms please report to gate 26 in section A.”

    Angie sighed in a low voice. The other beaten foster children looked at her as she organized her stuff and walked away. Her friends waved slowly as they watched her skinny friend entered gate 26. As Angie walked she ran through that things she knows right now. All she knew that she was heading to her new mother in California. But she has been bouncing from house to house. Every single mother she lived with always abused her. Angie learned to hate herself from all the years of being abused. She sighed deeply as she whispered something from the heart. “Here we go again…”

    Angie climbed a seat in the very back row of the air plane. She placed her backpack in her lap and dug into it. She found her nano iPod in the very bottom. She started to listen to it when more kids that were going to California climbed aboard. All of the kids were from different sections.

    Just her luck. The two girls that she absolutely hate was sitting in the seat across from her. They hate her guts too. The two girls wore always pink and very short skirts. Angie just rolled her eyes and turned to look out the window. Nothing amazing; just workers boarding up wooden boxes that filled with dogs and cats. She smiled; trying to enjoy the time she had left to not get abused again.

    “Hey Engie!” one girl across from her said. “What you lookin’ at!?”

    Angie looked at them. One name was Holly and one name was Maggie. They were soiled brats. “I’m just looking outside. Is that a problem?”

    “YES!” Holly screamed. “Your big head is in the way!”

    Angie sighed and looked out the window some more. Holly and Maggie’s voice was like a blur over the music in Angie’s ears. Which to her was a good thing.

    During the ride was boring and dull. Angie wished that her friends were right next to her. But they have real families. Families that love them not judge them. Is that what all kids want? Well, Angie has it different.

    The sky was beautiful; filled with fluffy clouds. Angie enjoyed the evening view. This is her fifth ride on an airplane. After her forth, Angie got tired of moving from different states of the nation! Angie suddenly left lonely. Her father died and her birth mother abused her just because of her loss. She’s tired moving a lot. And she is just sick of it!

    Angie got off the plane caring her stuff and backpack. The director showed her the section that she’s suppose to wait for her new mother to pick her up. She sat in a chair that was under the sign n that wall that says: Section F. She kept listening to her iPod as other kids walked in the air port. She couldn’t believe she was finally in California. It seemed like yesterday where the agency picked her up from the hell house and brought her to the foster home. But that was over a year ago! Why would she think about it now? Is it because her new mother is going to do the same thing and she can sense it? Or it’s just a regular flash back?

    Angie grabbed her purse out of her bag and search for her cell phone. She held it in front of her; it wasn’t a fancy looking cell phone, but as long as it works Angie will use it. She opened it and there was a text message waiting for her. She opened the text and start reading it. It was from her agent.

    “Hello, Angie,” the message read, “I hope you have a wonderful time with your new mother. She is located in the café. Just asked one of the staff members if you could go to the café. See you soon.”

    Angie closed her phone and stood up. She saw the most nicest staff member guiding the other children to section A. Angie walked over to her and taped her on her shoulder.

    “Excuse me?” Angie said, “can I go to the café?”

    The staff member turned around with a big smile. “Of course you can sweetie! It’s in section 3B.”

    Angie nodded and walked towards section 3B carrying her bags. Angie was excited yet nervous to see her new mother. She has been through this several times and she’s starting to give up on her life. But since she’s here in California she can’t go back to Illinois. She just have to face the fact that she will be starting a new life. Angie walked into the café. Hundreds of people were eating dinner or buying a snack. Angie was so confused. Everyone almost looked the same. She never knew what her new mother looked like or acts like. All Angie knows is that her new mother is in the café, somewhere.

    Across the whole café, a young woman with blond hair, a sweater on, bootleg jeans, and some high heels looked around the whole cafe. The woman held a small picture of her new daughter. She was very pretty with a smile on her face. "Angie Simms," the woman whispered. "Where are you?" The woman turned and saw a beautiful teenage girl walked towards her with a frown. The woman knew that Angie had no idea that she was her new mom but the woman knows that the girl was her new daughter.

    "ANGIE!" the woman cried out.

    Angie looked up and saw a woman in her mid 30's running towards her.

    "ANGIE I'M YOUR NEW MOTHER!!" The woman cried out again.

    Angie was hugged by her new mother tightly. Although she was glad that her new mother was not like the old ones. After done hugging, the woman look in Angie's eyes. "C'mon, let's go home," the woman said.