Vampire High
To any other human, this school would just seem like an expensive, snobby rich people’s school that only very high pedigree, many times over the most beautiful model, and extremely rich people could have even afforded the uniform. Well, that’s just on the outside. In reality, to me anyway, it was more like a prison. The high-end security was more to keep people in rather than out. And I, being a trouble maker, was top security in my dorm. And that wasn’t the biggest secret about that school. Nope, there was a lot more. Well, I guess being a prison isn’t exactly right, because they do let us off grounds and take regular trips out of this state, and numerous times out of this continent. The one thing this damned school couldn’t provide: blood. Yes, because mass loads of people coming to the school and never coming out, I think would be a little suspicious, don’t you? Well, to the outside it’s just the V. High, every human thinking that the ‘V’ in V. High is just an initial of a founder’s first name. Sure. Just go on thinking that, stop reading if you’re faint of heart. For the V in V. High actually stands for Vampire.
Go on, gasp. Do what ever you want. I’ve been one for as long as I remember. I’ve just never been around many vampires before and it feels weird being open about vampire things. Well, I got used to that, anyway. Yeah, im a natural at this. It’s hilarious when I’m out of that prison school and go watch a movie about vampires. Humans! Can’t get enough of it! They actually think we sparkle! Hilarious! See, we blend perfectly in with humans, just prettier. I mean, what good is being the best predator in the world if you can’t go out in the sun! No, the only reason that we don’t like to kill our victims in the sun is because thousands of people commute daily there! I mean, how stupid do you think we are? No, our school takes us cross country and cross continent just find a suitable hunting area. If we ever got made in one of our spots where ‘crime’ goes up every year, we’d be exposed, and millions of vampires would be dead-including everybody at my school which in turn comes down to me dying too. Well, as I said before, im a trouble maker. I was on one of those hunting ‘expeditions’ when me and my hunting partner were made. Wonderful.
Ch. 1
The Plan
I was running as fast as I could. I could hear them running behind me, catching up. I knew, knew that something was wrong. It was too quite a night. No background noise could be heard. Usually an occasional bar fight would tumble onto the street, a group of collage students would be laughing as they went home, cars driving by going to and fro home and other places. But this night I had heard nothing. No person was walking around, no dogs was barking, no cars were driving. I knew something was wrong.
So, I did what I knew best. I ran. Felicia was my hunting party and she was right beside me.
“What the hell is going on?” I heard her hiss over the yells behind us of followers. I just kept my mouth shut. I wasn’t in the mood to start talking. To be truthful, I didn’t know what was going on and I didn’t know what to do. So, I kept running. We couldn’t go back to the others, that would just lead ‘them’ to the others. We knew we couldn’t do that. Well, time to take immediate action.
“We’re heading home.” I said. No point avoiding it. They’d give up once we left their country. But how did they know? That was the most troubling part. How?
“We have to phone into Emma’s radio. She has to be worried!” Felicia was always brash about those things.
“No, we cant, do you know what? This same thing could have happened to her and she’d think it was an emergency and stop to take the signal, and by that time they would have caught her. Idiot! What’s the matter with you? You need to think before you speak! Especially at a time like this!” I was fuming. I needed to stop and think about this. I needed to calm down before I become brash as well. Geez! Why did something like this have to happen to me!
We were running from Mexico and by the direction we were going, I would think we were heading south to Florida. Wonderful. Humidity. Ugh.
“Catherine!” Felicia yelled. I immediately stopped. No one, no one called me by my given name. I never will be called by that. Ever since my family…
“I thought I told you never to call me that!” I was straining not to yell, I couldn’t quite hear the searching people as much as I did before, but they might still hear if I yelled. My full name was Catherine Helen Clarke. I always went by my middle name, but it seemed my class mates took a liking to calling me ‘Hell’ rather than ‘Helen’ because of obvious reasons. Trouble maker and all as I am, I kind of enjoyed it, not that I wound tell anybody this, of course.
I could feel her fear as I looked at her and stood as tall as I could so that I looked down at her. She cowered. I smirked. Because, well, that was the type of person I was.
“I-I’m so sorry, just that…ummm…well, we’ve been running for quite some time and…ummmm…shouldn’t we stop?”
“Hell no. They could catch up at any time. I want to make it the coast by sun up. We can buy a couple of bathing suits and blend in on a beach. Then we can contact them and relax. Simple plan.” It would work out so well. So perfectly I wish something would go wrong.
“Oh. Well, ok…’ she was still not sure, but my plan was fool proof. It would defiantly work. Of course it would. I came up with it.
Ch. 2
Having ‘fun’
We got to the beach early. No humans were around so we went into a public beach bathroom to change. We were full from last night’s raid that we knew we would be safe around humans. Unlike the recent movie I just watched, our eyes do not change color. What a stupid idea. What an idiot human. No, my eyes were the color of tropical ocean water with a hint of green emerald. I loved my eyes. I always have. I always thought of it as one of my best features. Though, since I’m a vampire, all of my features are my best. That’s what made me look superb in my little brown bathing suit. Felicia and I were going to be the envy of all the girls, no matter what age.
I loved the looks the women were giving us as they showed up to sunbathe and show off there figures.
I smirked to myself. All eyes on me. All I have to do is make them regret it. That would be fun.
“Ummm….shouldn’t we radio them now…?” Felicia wasn’t as confident about her body as I was. I loved it. She, obviously, hated it. I wish I was assigned to someone else. What was the head master thinking? That maybe some of my confidence will wear off on to her? No, more likely I would be ‘infected’ by her geeky-ness? That’s probably what she was hoping. Well, let her hope. I won’t move an inch.
“Sure. Call to your hearts content. I’ll be other there.” I walked toward a group of guys playing beach volleyball. I wanted to have fun before I was dragged back to prison to live a dull life for eternity. This didn’t happen often, and now that it did I’m sure it won’t happen again. They’ll make security as tight as if we were mass-murderers.
I smiled at my private joke.
“Yo! Need another player?” I asked in my most appealing feminine voice possible. I was in the mood for fun.
“Ah, sure. Can you spike?” asked the closest guy to me.
“Of course.” I said, flashing my pearly white teeth at him.
The guy just stood there, shocked. Well, I had that effect on men.
Another guy covered him, “Great, then you could be on my team. We’re starting. Get ready.”
I nodded and took the spikers place in the back right, ready to show off my strength. I raised the ball and pulled my hand back, winding it up for top speed. I won’t give it my all. I would probably hit it all the way to Cuba or maybe get it orbiting around the earth.
Hmmm…I thought, I never tried that. I have to remember to test that thought out one day.
I threw the ball up into the air and hit it with a third of my strength, not breaking a sweat. It went flying over the net, too quick to hit it and landed with a thud inside the imaginary lines of ‘in’ and ‘out.’
Everyone stopped and stared at the ball. Oops. Maybe I should have only used a fourth…
The ball was flat and all the air was out of it. One of the guys picked it up hesitantly with one hand. “I didn’t even know it had air in it…”
Wow. What a great way to keep it low profile.
See, vampires have super strength and super senses. We, being half dead, can use all of our brain, muscle, and other things.
I slowly backed up away from the guys while there views were still on the deflated ball. I saw Felicia by the beach bar with a laptop.
“Hey,” I said as I sat down next to her, “Were did you get the laptop?”
She glanced at me and then over toward the bathroom.
“Oh, some nice man was kind enough to let me barrow it.” I smiled at her hidden meaning. ‘Borrowed’ wouldn’t be the word I would use. More like adding your name on a will.
“Great. How nice of him.” Maybe I could get used to her. Maybe.
“Well, I see you’ve been very unobtrusive. Remember, we don’t want them to catch us. That would be really bad.” Man, maybe ill never be able to get used to her after all.
“Geez. Stop pestering me. No one will figure out we’re vamps. At least not until they find the body!” I said sarcastically.
She rolled her eyes. “I think we shouldn’t say that too loud. There’s people around.” She nonchalantly looked across the bar table to a table with a bunch of guys sitting just out of earshot.
I looked closely at them. They were a very load and boisterous group of people. They seemed to be having a good time. The more I looked the more I noticed the only one seeming out of place. One guy, about my age, maybe a little older, was sitting just a little out of the group, looking unhappy. He was sitting there, looking shocked, and staring at us.
Not good.
We were frozen, staring at him. Did he hear? Or is he just looking at how beautiful we are? And if he did hear, how? He was the one farthest away from us. That’s impossible! He must just be looking at our looks. Of course. There’s no way he heard.
But he was still staring. I usually liked people looking at me, only this time it made me shiver. Something wasn’t right. Like that night. Something was off.
“We should go. I’ve already called them, they should be here soon. Let’s have some fun in the mean time.” Felicia was at least good at taking my mind off some things. Man, would I have a story to tell when I got back.
“Ah, ok. Lets go and have fun!” I was good at fake cheer. Though I was better at making people fear me. Though, sometimes, fake cheer could make people scared, too.
I got up. What to do? Hmm. Lets play with the nosy human. That would be fun.
I headed over there. I was ready for my close up.
“Hey, you guys know any fun places to hang out?” I asked the group of guys.
They all stopped there conversations and stared at me. I obviously shouldn’t be talking to them when I’m this pretty. Well, that’s another way I could play with their hearts. Wonderful!
“Ahh…you can hang out with us if you want…” Another thing I do to guys: speech impairment.
“Great! We’re new here and we just wanted to visit the beach before we have to leave tonight. We live in New Hampshire.” I waved my hand toward Felicia when I mentioned ‘we’ and picked a random name of a country off the top of my head. That was one of our hunting grounds.
“So, what’s your names?” trying, nonchalantly, to find out the guys name who was staring at me.
The guy who answered me the first time decided that he was my ‘spokes person’ and answered me first, “Oh! I’m Ryan, this is Liam,” he motioned next to him to his right, “and this is Zachary,” he mentioned to his left, “and this is Andrew.” He finished with the guy behind him to the guy who was staring. He evidently snapped out of a trance enough to smile weakly. I had to admit, he was cute.
“Hey,” Liam and Zachary said in unison. It was kind of creepy.
Felicia started laughing creepily, too, and Ryan smiled a big lopsided grin. Liam and Zachary were already on the floor rolling around. I tensed and noticed that the boy Ryan had introduced as ‘Andrew’ was tensed too and didn’t seem to like it as much as his friends. Once he noticed me staring at him and tense too, he relaxed a little. I relaxed too and tried to get used to these geeks. Just like Felicia. They’re all geeks. Maybe we can have a tea party and give away dolls! Wonderful, Geeks.
We went to numerous stops, mostly arcades and Sci-Fi stores. We were just coming out of an arcade when we happened to cross a movie theater. It was a little theater with an old, rustic look with giant bulbs highlighting the names of movies playing.
“Hey! Let’s go to the movies!” Ryan yelled. He seemed to be the most comfortable enough to actually talk. Andrew always stayed in the background. Though, I was too. I wasn’t into geek stuff.
“Great! Let’s go!” Felicia seemed just as at ease as Ryan. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she was in love. What a funny notion! In love with a human!
“What’s playing?” I grumbled. I was totally bored. I had nothing to do and I wasn’t leading this group. Kill joy. I was all ready to have fun and here are some geeks to kill it. Just what I’ve always wanted!
“Ah, I don’t know. Ryan, do you?” Felicia was already gone. This is not the Felicia I knew running from hunters. What’s wrong with her?
“I don’t know either. Well, we’ll just have to find out when we get inside!” Ryan almost floated to the moon whenever Felicia spoke. Well, I know he is in love.
“Fine with me!” I noticed that the two other guys-what are their names?-tended to fall into the background, too, though Andrew did it more on purpose.
We walked into the theater, and in big bold letters was the name of the movie. Ugh. A vampire movie. Well, at least I can have a laugh.
“Yay! I’ve been wanting to go watch that movie!” Ryan yelled. For once Felicia didn’t yelp for joy when he said something. Though, I was all for it.
“Yeah! Let’s go see it! I heard it’s hilarious!” Everyone stopped and looked at me. First of all, it was supposed to be horror, and second, I hadn’t talked this excitedly since I first introduced Felicia. “Well, in a lame-horror kind of way…”
“Yeah. Let’s go in.” Thank god Felicia saved me. That would be disastrous.
We went in and bought some tickets. They were really cheap compared to the tickets we usually buy, considering we go all around the world.
We took our seats, from left to right: Ryan, Felicia, Liam, Zachary, Me, and then Andrew.
I suddenly felt very conscious of Andrew sitting next to me. I don’t know why. Do people usually feel like this around guys? No, I was also sitting next to what’s his name-I think it was Zachary. I could see out of the corner of my eye that in the dark Andrew looks very…hott. Did he always look that way?
The movie started playing; we had got here just on time. A scene came up with someone-a girl-leaving a house. She arrived in a town. Wow, so exiting. When’s the action?
It was about in the middle of the movie when something truly hilarious happened. The ‘vampire’ fell in love with a human!
I laughed so hard! My sides were aching! Everyone in the whole movie theater was staring at me. Evidently Felicia had some very good self-control. I looked over at her, and to my surprise, she was making out with Ryan!
I immediately snapped out of my glee into shock. I can’t believe Felicia thinks it could work! What would happen if she lost control, fell into her hunting mode, just for a second! He could die! Or, it might be on purpose if she got really angry with him. I-I just can’t believe it!
I was in my chair thinking this threw. What will she do when they come to pick us up? Will she change him, leave him, or stay with him? Any of them seem like a lot to give up just for ‘falling in love!’
I heard a phone beep and I was vaguely aware that Liam and Zachary excused themselves to go home. Now it was just the two love birds, a pissed off vampire, and a hott human geek. Wonderful.
I sat there for a while, not sure what to do. The movie was a blur in my eyes. I no longer thought it funny when my hunting partner was sitting just a few seats away, making out with a human. I wonder what the school would say about this…
I felt Andrew move; he was slowly leaning closer to me. What the hell? Did he think that he could get lucky just because my hunting partner was making out with his friend?
He leaned closer. I was just about to look him in the eye, slap him, and make him sit his butt back down in his seat where it’s supposed to be when he stopped, inches from my ear. What’s going on?
Then, he whispered the most scariest thing in the world, “I know what you are.” It sent chills down my back. How? How did he know? Did he actually hear that one time? Was he the only one who knew?
We have to get out of here. Who knows, those two boys could be gathering guns to come in here and kill us. Though it injures us, guns don’t kill us. Does he know that? Will he call off the attack when he sees that it’s useless? Should I hold him hostage? Or should I not make a big deal of it and blow him off? Pretending I have no clue what he’s talking about?
I wanted to say that I don’t know what he’s talking about, but my mouth was so dry, I couldn’t speak. All I did was wait for him to go on. Maybe I’ll get lucky and find a way to escape…
“Don’t worry,” he said quickly, obviously he saw the terror in my eyes, “It’s not what you think!”
I regained my speech with a rush of anger. “Not what I think? Hell ya it’s what I think!”
What is it that I think anyway, idiot! My thoughts are for themselves! Geez. I need to get away from this crazy lunatic. I shot a glance at Felicia; she’s still in her ‘lala land.’ Great. Just great.
“No, it’s not what you think!” didn’t I just say that it was? Now he’s repeating himself! “No! Don’t go! I need you!”
I froze. What could a human need from me? If he knows what I am…what could he possibly need?
I looked at him. I can’t believe I’m doing this. “What is it you need?”
A wash of relief filled him and showed all over his face. He even relaxed a little bit. “Well, it’s a long story.”
“I’ve got all of eternity.” Well, it’s not like I didn’t.
He seemed to think that funny. “Me too.”
What? Well, he did say it was a long story.
“I’ve been a vampire since 1463. It was my 16th birthday. My father was a duke and my mother a duchess and my family was one of the few who survived the plague. I was out in the town with my friends, being a normal teenager. It was getting dark so some of my friends left. That left me with only three more friends to walk home with.
We started walking down a street, up ahead I could see a gang of guys yelling loudly. I, being a big headed teenager, thought nothing could hurt me and kept on walking. My friends, luckily, thought differently. They told me to stop. I didn’t listen, remember, I was a big headed teenager set to be indestructible. They told me to just cross the street, to avoid them. But no, I was full of it. They, too scared, crossed the street themselves, unable to make me.
I picked up my swagger and trotted right up to them. I could smell the alcohol in the air. Being sixteen, my parents raised to be Noble, hadn’t let me drink yet, so I took a deep inhale and almost choked. They stopped laughing and looked at me. I could see my friends down the street, watching me, seeing if I was going to make it.
“Hey, kid! Need some help there learning your place?” one of them said. The others laughed. Terror shot threw me, this was a bad idea.
“Um, no, um, no thanks.” I was suddenly nervous and scared.
“Let’s teach him some manners.” One grumbled.
Another one reached out and grabbed my arm.
“Hey!” I yelled and tried to snatch my arm out of his hands but was unsuccessful. They seemed to laugh at my petty attempt at escaping, but, man, his grip was tight.
“Make sure he doesn’t scream.” I heard and right then I knew I was going to die. I didn’t know what to do. I knew I was going to die, that was inevitable, but maybe I can help my friends so they don’t suffer the same death. I had to think quickly, or they’d stifle my cry.
I said only one word. “Run!” I screamed. I thought I saw three shadows running away and luckily I didn’t see any of the men go after him before I felt a sharp pain all over and I blacked out. When I woke up, I had a burning thirst for blood.
“So, that’s how I turned.”
I sat, stunned. I didn’t know what to say. I got so rapped into his story I hadn’t noticed that the movie was ending and Felicia and Ryan were standing up. My life seemed so far away.
But I had more pressing matters. Like, what are we supposed to do now? What is he supposed to do now? Am I supposed to have him come back with us? Maybe that would be best. I had another question.
“Does anyone know about it? Is there any more vampires?” I asked. The words flew from my moth, slurring together. I needed to know that before I made a big mistake.
“I didn’t tell anyone, as far as I know, I’m the only one. I wouldn’t have been able to tell you apart if I hadn’t over heard you talking about being vampires. So, is Felicia a vampire too?” he seemed like an eager child, asking if his mom will buy him a cookie. I couldn’t resist telling him anything, he seemed so innocent.
“Yes, Felicia is a vampire, but I have to talk to her first, so she knows, ok?”
“Ok.” He seemed quite pleased with himself. “Just don’t make it as obvious as you did on the beach. Ok?”
I rolled my eyes. I wouldn’t be as clumsy as I was then. But, still, I decided not to answer. “Felicia and I are going to the bathroom.” I announced to everybody. I grabbed her hand as she looked questioningly at me. Oh well, she’ll just have to wait for an answer. “Come on.” I said, aggravated.

Comments (5 Comments)
- Cyrhia - 12/07/2009
- sorry, i swear i never ment Twilight. i watched a whole bunch of Buffy and Angel over the summer and i just started writing before Twilight!!! (Curse Stephanie Myer!!)
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- Paramore2789 - 06/13/2009
- Yikes! Can you say Twilight!
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- vampire19710 - 06/12/2009
- cool if u right more can u tell me!
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- vv7722 - 06/12/2009
- I'm sure the story is good but I'm not going to read it. Sorry but i'm like really prejudice against vampires. They are so overrated.
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- Cyrhia - 06/06/2009
- hey! me again! i was wonering if all of yall really wanted andrew to be a vampire or just a human. i can still change it. never to late!
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