Introduction- The Meadow
When I opened my eyes everything seemed quiet. I propped myself up on my elbows. I was in the middle of a Meadow, full of flowers. It was surrounded by a forest. I slowly stood up to examine my surroundings, the forest was dark in spite of the bright meadow. A monarch butterfly flew past my face and fluttered to a nearby flower. When I focused on the forest behind it I could see a medium sized figure, standing in the distance. It’s bright eyes staring at me, as if it was stalking it’s pray. I heard a low rumble coming from the figure, almost a lion-like roar but the figures shapes were human. The figure moved, ghostly, closer to the meadow’s edge. I backed up, hoping I could run, if necessary.
The creature’s colors were becoming more clear, it was partially human. I was still not knowing what was going to happen. The creature was wearing a blue button up dress shirt, and the shirt was unbuttoned a couple buttons at the top, clearly it was male. It’s features were very stunning, very muscular, his face was hidden under his black, medium length, hair. He looked down at the ground, his hair dangling off his head, in front of his face. I could only see his perfectly sculptured chin and lower lip. While his hands rested, in the pockets of his black jeans. I stood there silently, in shock. He slowly lifted his head, inches at a time. Then I could see his upper lip…the bottom of his nose.
I felt a sudden chill and coolness on my cheek….
Chapter One- My new world
My eyes shot open. My fingertips and nose were numb from the cold. I realized I had just woken from what I thought was a dream, and I was on a bus. When my eyes finally focused, I remembered that I was traveling with my older sister, Victoria. But we call her Vicky. She was in her seat on the other side of the bus, she had an expression of boredom and impatience. She continued to stare out her window, which was partially frosted over. Vicky had more cheer since we left home, three hours ago. This place we were headed to was a private school in the mountains. Vicky had many stories to tell about her fun at this school. I was excited as well, this is my first year as a junior, to go to a private school. But besides my joyful expression, I had my worries. Would I fit in?….. if I didn’t, would I really stand out that badly?… my heart was racing and I could feel the thumps in my head. I sighed, trying to relieve myself. Vicky must have heard, she moved to the seat beside me. Her concerned expression, behind her beautiful dark brown hair, gave me a hint that she was trying to comfort me.
“Just relax Katelina.. You’ll be fine,” she put her hand on my shoulder.
“Call me Kat now…. I don’t like Katelina.. It sounds too preppy”, I clearly had a ‘ I don’t like preps’ sign on my forehead.
She had that old expression on her face, the one that said, ’your doing it again’, I sighed.
“I know I know…”, I looked out the window, to the forest, frosted with a light powdery snow.
“well you are doing it again.. Ever since we moved you’ve been acting like you hate preps.. You used to be one!”
“there’s just been a lot of changes, ok?”, I wish she would just drop it.
“fine, but I know this is one change you’ll like.”
“prom-”, I tried to ask.
She quickly interrupted me,” no promises required”, she smiled.
“well.. Thank you very much..”, I said in a sarcastic tone. I continued to watch the frosty forest thin, as we neared the town of Fort McHenry, in Northern Washington. North of Olympia, with a 90 minute drive to get to Canada’s southern border.
Vicky just laughed,” seriously though, I’m sure you’ll like it.”
“oh yeah, warm sunny beaches to a freezing foresty death trap”, I didn’t mean what I said literally and I sort of regretted saying it.
“oh come on”, she smiled, I turned to look at her, ”it’s not that bad.”
“I know.. But California to Northern Washington.. it’s a big change for me”, I felt slightly defeated.
“it’s not all that bad.. I mean look at the more positive side. You could start new, be yourself.” she was right. She had always been the wise one.
She was suddenly amused by my half defeated, half happy, expression. She grinned widely and relaxed in her seat.
I tried to think of something to say to thank her somehow,” I’m glad you’re here with me… I never could’ve, or still could, make it without you.”
She leaned over and hugged me.
“I’ll always be here for you.”
The time slowly passed, it seemed like hours. I tried to lighten the tension on the bus,” any cute guys here?” I chuckled and nudged her arm with my elbow.
She laughed,” a few.”
Then she caught on to me.
“why?………… you looking forward to finally getting a boyfriend?” she was excited and amused.
Here we go again.. I sighed.
“I didn’t say that!!”, I tried to give her the hint to just let it go.
“well you might as well have said that,” she smiled.
“what?.. Why?” I was afraid to ask.
“your blushing..”, she laughed.
“oh god…”, I quickly put my hair in my face, so no one could see. She just loves to embarrass the heck out of me. Lucky me.
“it’s most likely that it’ll never happen or I’ll never find someone, so don’t start all your gossipy crap,” I whispered. Then with an embarrassed laugh, I set my face against the window. It was cold, by the look of the forest it was definitely winter.
“don’t worry I’m not gonna embarrass you… that much.”
“great,” I laughed worriedly.
I continued gazing out my window. The town was pretty small, small enough that it didn’t have it’s own police department. Vicky noticed my sudden curiosity of the weather,” the snow is supposed to melt soon, it should be really sunny a couple weeks from now.”
The light blue mountains were coming more clear, rays of the sun’s warmth gliding down, shaped by the mountains crystal peaks, as we neared the public library. I made a mental note of where it was so I could go look for books when I got settled in.
About 15 minutes later we were past the downtown and were entering another forest, which thinned to another town and had a sign Identifying it was Fort McHenry.
“Are we almost there?”, I asked impatiently.
“Almost, just wait ‘til we cross the tracks. Then you’ll see it.”
I was pleased that we would arrive soon, and regained my patience. A few minutes later, I saw some rail road tracks, which had to be the tracks she was talking about. Then soon after, it was there. Perched on top of a hill. It almost seemed it was made entirely of glass, with the out lines of white. I was in shock. Behind the huge structure, made out of many buildings, was 2 huge tower-like buildings. They had to be the dorms. Down at a some what flat surface of the hill, was the lunchroom, yet again, made out of only glass, it seemed. Along beside the lunchroom was a path that led to a small garden. The road we were on led up the hill, to a parking lot near the school.
I realized the sun was setting, and it was getting darker out.
“beautiful isn’t it?”, Vicky asked about the school.
“Very, it’s amazing”, I admired my new school.
The bus didn’t park, but stopped in the middle of the parking lot to let us out. I could hear my heart nervously thump loudly in my chest, as the bus doors opened. We both had our luggage in our hands. 3 people got off before us. Vicky took one step out the door, and I quickly headed back to my seat,” maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.”
Vic grabbed my arm and pulled me back out of the bus. I groaned.
“kat”, she rolled her eyes.
I complained the whole time she was dragging me to the sidewalk. She finally let go when the bus returned down the hill. The parking lot was full of cars, of the students’, of course. Most of the students were in the lunchroom, probably talking over their classes and schedules. Some were at their cars, leaning on them and talking. We started toward the school’s main building. People by their cars and at tables, outside of the lunchroom, were starting to stare at me like I was some new species to prey on. It made me self- conscious.
Dawn's First Light
evelien kioshi
This isn't my first story i've written, but it has to be (to me) one of the bests. this book is almost finished and ive already started on a second book. plz enjoy!(even though i might have written alot) :P
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