When I was little i was relaxing in my bed on a Saturday night during Summer. I was watching "Justice League", my favorite show at the time. It was a big fight between Superman and Lex Luthor. Superman was about to deliver the final blow, then poof! …… My television was off and was surrounded by darkness.
Oh no! The power went out . It was no surprise there it was storming out side. I groped around my room looking for the door. I knew that I had to find my brother, but when I crossed across the hallway I thought I saw some thing crawl across the kitchen floor. I ignored it, but I was stiff as a board. Still groping, I touched some body and I screamed. My little “bro”, did the same. I held his hand and lead him out the room. Just that second a huge flash off lightning lit up the house for a few seconds. But I was right there sitting on my butt covering my head and my little brother was unphased by the lightning. I got back on my feet and continued our journey to our parents. I heard some pans fall, a second later my brother pushed me down and ran blindly into the darkness behind us. He hit the door and then closed it behind him. What ever the thing that made the pans fall was I had to face it alone.
My first reaction was to run for my life. I ran to the locked door, but Jesse would not open it. Great, now I’m trapped with “the thing”. I knocked down our CD collection, just what I needed I started throw Cds like crazy but they didn’t phase “the thing”. I was at my wit’s end, but then the lights came on and a wild raccoon was inches away from my feet. It hurled it’s self at my face .i said my final good byes to the world.
Then I felt some one shaking me screaming “ wake up! ,wake up its Monday” .I snapped out my dream world in an instant. I had to get dressed for school, while doing that thought about my dream for the rest of the day. I told nobody about it till this assignment.
A "Raccoon" at Night
i made this up for a report once. please be honest.
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