And Then There Was Chocolate
I walk into the convenience store, slipping gracefully through the aisles like a predator on the hunt for its prey. I can feel the burning acid eat away at the lines of my stomach, sadistically unforgivable and unrelenting as it consumes everything laid in its path. My stomach growls in response to the painful attacks of the acid and sends waves of pleas to my brain, begging for an end to the torture.
My mouth waters as my eyes dance from side to side, glancing momentarily over signs that label the contents of each passing aisle. My nails dig into my palms in frustration as each sign does not hold the words I seek.
Then, suddenly, there it is. The one lone shelf that holds the treasure I have been seeking. My heart inflates like a balloon with joy at the sight in front of me. Victory.
Another predator comes forth, eyes on the same prize as I. But no, I will be the one to win in this struggle. I will be the one to come out victorious. I must.
Spotting the heavenly substance I desired, my fingers reach out for that last survivor of its kind. My fingers curl hungrily around the treat, but so does another pair that do not belong to me. I look up from the trespassing pair to find the owner, my hunger-filled eyes meeting those of the other predator. Need I battle to gain the prize?
No, I need not. The other predator withdraws his hands from the treasure, inclining his head in respect to show that I may have the food in peace. The other hunter then claims another prize and leaves with only a glance in my direction, as if remorseful of his decision.
No matter, I have my victory. I pay for the delicacy and saunter out into the bright sunshine, opening up the wrapper as the delicious substance finally finds its way into my mouth. It melts, I swallow and my stomach is given its lasting peace in return.
First there were none, and then there was.... chocolate.
A one-shot murder mystery. ...
So yeah...Chapter 39!!! So...
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