• Takeo unbinds Kenji and Nakuto unbinds Takeru. Kenji gets up and says, “What happened to Malady Izumia.” Takeo looks down. Kenji punches the round, “Damn.” Nakuto says, “She planned this. She wanted to get taken. If she did not want to get taken she would have fought.” Takeru sits up and says in addition, “That is true. She would not want to be taken so easily.” Mean while back at Katsuro’s hideout/castle Izumia is inside the orb chained at her wrists. Izumia struggles to get free. Then a sharp pain shoots into Izumia and she screams. Katsuro comes in and says, “You should not move Malady. You might hurt yourself.” Izumia keep struggling even though it gives her pain. Izumia yells, “What are you going to do with me?” Katsuro says as he flips a switch, “This.” This black aura shoots into Izumia and Izumia screams a great amount. Katsuro turns off the switch and Izumia stops screaming. Izumia pants and says, “What was that?!” Katsuro answers her question, “That was the darkness. I need you to accept the darkness so I can recreate this world.” Izumia yells, “Never?!” Katsuro says, “You cannot keep it up forever.” Katsuro leaves the room and before he leaves he flips the switch once more. Izumia starts to struggle because of the pain. Now back to Takeo and the others they start to follow the tracker. Takeo sees that it is going faster and they come to the castle and they hear a loud scream. Takeo yells, “Izumia!” Nakuto changes into the dragons and then they fly towards. Katsuro goes into where Izumia is to see if she has stopped fighting the darkness. Izumia is panting and says, “I will not give on my mother’s land. My mom trusts me to protect this world with my life and that is what I am going to do!” Katsuro flips the switch higher and Izumia screams more and more. After a few minutes s great black flash come and blasts everything back. Katsuro smiles and says, “Yes, I knew you would not be able to keep it up.” Then he sees one big pitch black feathered wing. Katsuro squints to try to see the other and then he yells, “How can this happen?!” The other wing was the color of gold. Katsuro flips the switch and nothing happens, “This cannot be. It can only be one or the other. That is the way it has always been.” Izumia looks up and says, “I am from a different generation and my generation is new and will be different.” Izumia walks towards Katsuro and then Katsuro puts his hand on her forehead and the black orb goes around her. Izumia struggles to try not to go unconscious again but she cannot help the fact. Takeo sees the black blast and says, “We got to go faster.” Nakuto says in reply, “I am going as fast as I can.” You see a shadow up ahead and the shadow says, “Ryuu, you still work with these pathetic humans.” Nakuto says, “Isamu, why are you working with the man that killed off the rest of the dragon race. He will kill you when he is done with you.” Isamu says in an angry tone, “No he will not. I trust him. I serve my loyalty to him.” Nakuto looks at him and drags Isamu down. Takeo, Kenji, and Takeru fall off of Nakuto and fall to the ground. Nakuto and Isamu are fighting in the air. Nakuto yells down to the other three, “Go! Leave me behind. I will finish this fight.” Takeo nods. The three of them head towards the castle, they did not mind because they were right there.

    End of Chapter 13