• (in an area of cybertron, alarms are blaring. Luparis Primal obsers a monitor showing a warship leaving the planet and go to hyper-space)
    Luparis: gah, why did earth have to pull a stunt like this? we were getting along so well with the inhabitants....
    (his mind floats bach to a meeting he'd with the new cybertronian council mere weeks before. he thought of how foxuno,newly turned representitive of the predicons had villified the people of planet earth to be like monsters."stupid and dirty" he had called them.....)
    {enters dreadnaught, a newly formed maximal}
    dreadnaught: sir, we've manages to save on ship, shall we go after them?
    luparis: ......yes, we must protect the humans from nitros rage...and (turns to face dreadnaught) maybe finding the Missing maximal and her captors, we can resolve this peacefully! have you picked out a crew for the ship?
    Dreadnaught: yes! they've seen some action, but the ship in question can't hold them all, so many will be joining up on earth mush later....
    luparis:well, thats just prime....comeon, lets give chase then.
    dreadnaught: sir, yes sir!

    Both exit for a nearby hanger. end of prolog....T.B.Continued.