• Going down the hall earbuds in ear, I hear a loud KABAM in the distance. I turn around and see nothing. All of a sudden I get a jerk from behind I turn around and see nothing I turn back forward and continue walking. I see something in the distance, I stop walking immediatly and yell, "Who are you, and what do you want from me?" I got no responce.
    I keep walking forward towards whomever or whatever is in the distance. All of a sudden he walks towards me, I stop. When I stop he stopped, I lifted my left foot he lifted his right. When I finally continued to walk he called out, "GET OUT!", I stopped. I called out "What do you want from me?" He called back, "I want nothing from you." I looked curiously in the darkness. I started walking I seen a hallway to the left, I darted down it. Running, running as fast as I can I suddenly look back he's chasing me. I trip, he stands over me, I hesitate to say anything. He's looking at me with a deadly eye and says, "Why are you here?" I hesatate and say, "No reason just doing some work." He looks at me and says "Get out, and for your own good never come back!" I lay there and yell "Okay, okay just leave me alone!" He backs away too scared to move I lay for about 5 minutesand then coming back to reality I realise what is going on and I jump to my feet and run out of hoping never to return agian. The next day I run to school and tell my closest friend, Trey, what had happened. He looks at me in shock and asks "Are you sure you're okay?", I say. "Yeahh but I swear I'm never going back agian." I get home and get a knock on the door. I run to it to see who it is, shockingly it is the man from the building the other night. He looks at me and says, "I'm would like to apologize for scaring you the other night." I shockingly say, "Its okay you just gave me a shocking scare." So he nodded and disappered into the sunset of the afternoon never to be seen agian.