• I was put here in this world for one reason, and one reason only. I was given a set of rules, firm and final, that were to be my morale code by which I would live by. I was told the reprecaussions of breaking these rules, who would pay, what the cost was, and what Fate would become of me. I was told by the Wisened Ones what my Purpose was, and the one thing, the one thing, that I was never, under any curcumstance, allowed to let happen to me.

    And that one thing I was told never to let happen...was the exact thing that did.

    And even though I was told by the most powerful beings known to my existance that it was the most horrible thing one could do, I still let it happen to me anyway.

    I took that first step down a path knowing full well I couldn't turn back. And I continued down that path already able to see the end. I knew it would end in a way that would leave me hollow, broken, scarred. But to me, it was worth every step.

    It wasn't practical, was nowhere near reasonable, but it went beyond magical. And after I walked down that path, all that was forbidden to my kind, all the things I resisted, became the things I lived for.

    This one thing, as fragile as glass, as harmless as baby's breath, yet as strong as a storm-sticken ocean current and as uncontrollable as wild fire, was the one thing that I had sworn never to let occur.

    It was a forbidden fruit to my kind, a crime that once committed could never be forgiven. And once the taste of that fruit touched my soul, it was a taste so sweet I knew I could never forget it.

    This one thing was love. The one thing I wasn't ever supposed to feel.

    I knew it was the downfall in many tragedies, and I knew it lead to the most horrible Fate. My kind wasn't meant to house such a thing, wasn't meant to experience it. It would 'corrupt' my Purpose, as it did many others.

    But even though the risk was clear, the cost was great, and the Fate unspeakable, I couldn't resist it. I couldnt stop.

    Because love is something that can't be undone, that can't be changed, that can't be erased, even with the strongest will or most powerful force. Becasue love is, in fact, the most overwhelming, totally consuming, and otherwise most definite force of all.

    It made you reckless and dangerous, selfless and gullable, suicidal and blood-thirsty, greedy and paranoid, it made you hungry in ways my kind was never allowed to be, and satisfied like nothing else. But above all else, it made you human.

    And for that reason alone, I couldn't let it leave me, my existance, my world.

    Once I had that lingering taste on my lips, I could let nothing try and take it away. Love is something that, once threatened, makes your desires, your well-being, your dreams, your Purpose all worthless except for that one reason to exist. To protect hat one thing that made your life meaningful, made your life wonderful, made your life magical, made your life matter.

    For many faced with this instance, it becomes lethal, it becomes dangerous, it becomes obsession, it becomes even fatal.

    But for me, it became much, much more than that. It became something that mattered so much to me, I wouldn't allow it to be endangered.

    To me, it became the one Purpose for being. The one thing, the one thing I couldn't let go of.

    To me, it became vital.

    And vital isn't something I can live, die, exist without.