• Resident Evil: Rise of the Dead

    It was mid September when Leon Scott Kennedy joined the Raccoon City Police Department. His dirty blonde hair and brown eyes matched the falling leaves. It was a usual day in Raccoon City with numbers of reports of theft, fire, and accidents. Leon was watching the news in the break room when his boss walked into the room and said” Leon we got a report of trespassing. Do you think you can handle it?” Leon jumped up and grabbed his jacket and keys. He ran to his car and drove off.

    When he arrived at the house, the windows were broken and the door was kicked in. There were screams coming from the house. Leon jumped out of his car and ran to see what happened. There was a woman standing in the backyard. She turned to him with a bloody mouth and a chunk of flesh missing from her pale neck. “Ma’am get down on the ground,” Leon ordered but she walking towards him with a slow steady pace.” Freeze,” he shouted but she still kept coming. Then with no warning at all she charged at Leon. Leon fired his tazer directly in her arms. She looked at her arms then at Leon and ripped then at with no problem. She charged at him again and grabbed his neck. Leon struggled to break free but with no success. There was a large crack that echoed through the city. Leon broke her arms and pushed back into a shed. As he struggled to catch his breath there was a deafening scream that was not of this world. Leon looked into the shed and she was stabbed through the stomach. He looked away for a second then looked back and she was getting back up.” No way, that’s impossible,” said Leon. There was a thunderous bang as he hit her over the head with his baton. Her shattered skull hit the ground before her lifeless body hit did. Leon turned around to leave but someone hit him in the back of the head with a piece of wood. He was out cold before he hit the ground.

    Leon woke up in a car all tied up. It was an old car that looked like a mini van. He saw a pocketknife next to his face. He silently grabbed it with his teeth and threw it to his hands. He cut his hands free and opened the door.” You are faster than I thought Mr. Kennedy,” said a little man with gray hair.” Who are you,” Leon said with anger in his voice.“ I am Salazar and this is my accomplice Saddler. Don’t even try to think of escaping,” Salazar calmly said.” Why don’t you try to stop me little boy,” said Leon.” Ah”, Salazar said,” That is where you are wrong Mr. Kennedy. You see I’m only 22 years old. Now why don’t you come with us?” “ Over my dead body” Leon said. ”That can be arranged,” said Saddler. A large door opened and at least a hundred zombies came out. Some Leon knew like the crazy old lady that lived on the corner of his street and a farmer named Messed up Mac because of his so called guard dog that had false teeth made of steel. They all started to charge at Leon with their arms swinging like cloth. Leon saw a rope that lead up to the cliff that Salazar and Saddler were standing on. Leon ran for the rope and grabbed it. When he started to climb the rope the zombies were all over him. Leon was able to kick some zombies before he got free. When he got to the top he saw a metal barrel of gasoline just sitting there. Leon pushed the container over the edge of the cliff. He lit a match and tossed it down.” Boom.” There was a mixture of fire, dirt, and body parts flying through the air.” Enjoy the fireworks freaks,” he said with a grin. Leon made his way through a wooden door and into a large house.

    The house was a pretty good size one with paintings of people and statuses.” You are getting annoying Mr. Kennedy” said Salazar” no matter I will finish you myself.” Right then he turned into a weird thing with flowers and leafs with teeth.” I know just how to take care of you ” said Leon while pulling out his lighter. Leon then threw his lighter at the plant thing. The lighter burst into flames and hit the plant. It made a weird sound just like the lady at the house as the flames raced up its body. Chard pieces of flesh and plant rained down on Leon.” One down one to go” Leon thought. Saddler wasn’t too hard to find. He was in the garden messing with a grenade. The only thing that was in the way of the door out of the city was Saddler.” You are smarter than thought I’ll give you that much but lets see you beat me” Saddler said. Leon grabbed a hose and turned it on.” What are you going to do water me?” Saddler laughed.” Nope” Leon said. He ran and stepped on Saddlers foot. Saddler yelled at the surprising event and Leon shoved the hose down his throat. The body exploded with water and blood. It was over and Leon knew it. There was nothing between him and the door out of the city. Leon ran for the door at top speed. He burst through the door into the sun-drenched forest that surrounded the city. He heard a helicopter over head.” Get in,” said the pilot” don’t worry, I’m with Umbrella.” Leon remembered the name Umbrella because he uses to work for it. Umbrella was an experimental organization that did medical experiments on living things headed by Albert Whesker. The last Leon knew was that they tried to reanimate dead cells so dying people may have a second chance to live but it looks like it got out. They called it the T-Virus.” My name is Tony, are you going to get on or what” screamed the pilot over the noise of the propellers.” What about the infected?” said Leon simultaneously getting on the helicopter.” We already got it covered,” said Tony and directed the helicopter away from the city. Three seconds later there was a large explosion that rocked the helicopter. Now it was really over. The nightmare was finally over. Or so they thought. Before the explosion a zombie got out of the city. Leon saw the zombie and tolled Tony to turn around. So Tony did and Leon dropped a huge box of food on the thing.” I think that is all of them” said Leon and there wasn’t anymore until the T-Virus spread through the ground and through the birds. The entire world got infected a few years after that. All the oceans dried up, the forests disappeared, and entire cities were lost under the sands of the desert but that’s a different story.