A warm place.
That was the best way to describe her first memory. Loud booming sounds flooded her ears whenever she thought of that place. It was all she could think of at the moment, as her mind was too new to process anything else. Only one other thought reached her mind; the cold feeling that covered her body. It was sort of wet as well, but not warm like the warm place.
Her new ears soon had their first job: a sort of crunching noise. It sounded louder and louder as it continued. An odd feeling consumed her thoughts. The feeling wanted her to run, but she couldn't understand how to follow through with the instinct. Then, the crunching noise stopped at it's loudest.
"Can you awaken?" A shock went through her body, and everything seemed to work. First, she moved her fingers and toes. Her eyes fluttered open and saw black on white. The white, she reasoned, was the cause of her cold wet feeling. The black, as she looked up was some sort of covering, leading to a man's face. He was looking at her with cold eyes, but she felt a flicker of warmth for an instant.
"Good." She saw his mouth move, emitting the sound. "Now stand." As if moving on its own, her body obeyed his command. Balancing on her feet, she found that her upright was not as tall as his own. "Now, here." He passed her the same black thing he was wearing. "Put this on." She stared at it at first, then reached out for it. The fabric was warm in contrast to the the cold white. She grabbed it and felt it with her fingers. After a few seconds, the man snapped his fingers and the cloak was on her body. Something curved on her face; a smile, perhaps? It was nice sensation of warmth, like the warm place.
"Now, from now on, your name is Rah. Rah is what you will reply to." the man said.
"Rah..." She repeated. Her first word. She had never heard her own voice before. Once again she smile.
"Good. You are now a Reaper. I will see you to your new home." The man lifted his leg, and placed it down further ahead. He continued this method with the other leg. Instantly, Rah knew he was walking, and copied the motion. She found herself following him through the cold white. "One more thing." He stopped, and she stopped. His neck turned slightly towards her. She couldn't make out what he said next....
"Rah, wake up." A breath escaped her mouth as she awakened. It was a dream that she hadn't remembered it a while. Or perhaps a memory that became nothing more than a dream. She looked into the cool blue eyes of her roommate, Sae. "Daijyobu, Rah?"
"Yeah..." Rah replied. "What time is it?"
"11:00." Sae looked to the darkness outside. "You have an assignment, Rah."
"I see." Rah got out the bed and put the black cloak on over her clothes. "I'll see you later, Sae." Rah stepped out into the dark night. Her job could be considered as morbid to many, and she knew she would never understand why. She couldn't remember anything else. Being a Reaper was her life and all she would be.
Reaper's Game
Prologue, if I ever choose to continue.
The story focuses on Rah, a female Reaper. A Reaper is a person who is in charge of the chances a person lives or dies, and claims the soul of the dead. Some live in their own dimension, but others live on Earth among their potential targets, eternally viewing the struggles of humanity.
If I do continue, it probably won't be as serious as this.
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