• The world was spinning around me. It wasn't in a bad way, but it was in a beautiful way. I was having so much fun flying over the city. I could fly back to Vermont if I wanted! It was so tempting...
    I started reaching the edge of the city. My heart was racing, the blood was roaring in my ears. My speed quickened as if someone had stepped on a gas petal. Then something changed. I was no longer soaring, but spinning out of control. And I was flying back toward the city.
    "No," I heard myself say, "NO!"[i/]

    I opened my eyes. I could hear the city sounds around me and the horrible truth hit me. It was a dream. I couldn't fly, I couldn't go back to the country. I was stuck in horrible, smelly New York City.
    I moaned and rolled over on my side.
    "Sara! School! Get up!" I heard my mother call.
    I sighed and stood up. I had a rather large apartment, considering that my father was a lawyer. He was one of the best. Everyone wanted him. We had a big, clean apartment on 5th Avenue. My older brother loved it. He had made a lot of friends and now had a "super hot girlfriend". They make me sick, which doesn't help here.
    My father had moved us here so he could get a better job and mom could find a job. She now worked at American Eagle part time, the rest of the time, she was a mom or a designer.
    "Sara, school is going to start in half an hour. You have to be up an hour early," my mother said. She turned around and gasped. "Sara! Those pants will not match with you jean jacket. They are dirty old sweatpants that are unfit for New York. Try this jean mini-skirt that I just designed." She turned around so I can put it on and smiled when she saw me. "Lovely. Look how it shows off your legs."
    "Mom," I growled.
    She tut-tutted and handed me a cinnomin bun. "Go on. You must be right on time."
    The horrible stench hit me the moment I walked out the main door. I nibbled on the corner of my breakfast and glared at the school boys that stared at my legs. New York boys always went for the stupid "hot" look.
    I turned to see the three most popular girls in school running toward me. They were my best friends. Talkative Lili, sporty Hannah, and quiet Jaide.
    "Hey guys," I said, trying to sound New Yorky and happy.
    "Oh my god, did Alex just wink at you?" Lili asked.
    I turned to see Alex staring at my legs and chatting with his buddies. He was the hottest guy in school.
    "Sure," I shrugged.
    " I swear, if he ever asks you on a date, if you don't give me every detail I will pulverize you with my soccer ball," Hannah said teasingly.
    "Really, why don't you ever say yes to any of the guys here?" Lili asked me.
    I rolled my eyes. "I told you, I have a boyfriend back in Vermont."
    "No you don't," Hannah smirked.
    "We asked your brother," Lili grinned, "You didn't say yes to any of the guys there either."
    "Remind me to kill Sam when I get home."
    Jaide tapped Lili on the shoulder. "School is going to start soon. We should get going."
    "I agree. That college guy is looking at you funny Sara," Hannah said darkly, looking at an older boy who was also staring at me. Next thing I knew, he was walking slowly toward us.
    "Uh-oh," Lili's eyes widened.
    "What should we do?" Jaide asked.
    "Idiot! There's only one thing TO do," Hannah growled, "Run!"