• This is the greatest moment of my existence.The sweet aroma in the air drugging my senses.The sweet taste of champagne on my lips.Then Kenta, caressing my body as if you would die if he were to let go.My wings felt good in the open, being warmed by the fires welcoming heat.
    "Tanya,my love, can you do me a small favor that I'm sure a beauty such as you can accomplish?"He almost sang.
    I kissed his bare chest and smiled warmly at him in reply.
    "Could you suffer as much as you possibly can as you die?"His face turned into a shadow, far different from his once beautiful face.Kenta pulled out his most treasured weapon,the Raiku, and plunged it into my back.I gazed at my loves now harsh face and went unconsious in his arms.
    When I awoke from my o so familiar dream and by habit checked my back for blood, I saw Kenta sleeping peacefully beside me.Raiku still resting on the mantle.I yanked myself a little too fast and had to annoyingly wait for the blood to stop rushing to my head.
    I stretched and unfurled my white wings that cast frightening shadows onto the carpet.I flinched and walked away.You have no idea how lethal shadows can get.
    My satin nightgown flew off of my body which was soon back into the drawer where it belonged.It felt good taking a hot shower i felt,cleaner like I wasn't dead.I placed my robe delicately on my body as it should be done.
    This robe must be treated in respect it has been past down through many generations to get to you,Tanya Felt.I sighed at the memory of my father.He was literally God and its very hard to fill God's shoes,let me tell you.Rebuild a rainforest! Make a baby!Bla.Bla.Bla.I have millions of years to go.
    I stroked Kenta's Midnight black wings and hummed his lullaby and as routine he awoke.Then,also as routine he held my face in his gentle hand then placed his lips on mine.
    "Good morning Kai."I stroked his hair.
    "Good morning to you as well,Tei."He kissed my forehead.I was glad that his face didn't turn into the dark shadow in my nightmare.That would've been a real wake up call.