• “Wow, I can’t believe we made friends with a fairy” said Hoppy the rabbit. Hoppy the rabbit, Sora the cat and Kiyo the hawk ran across the breezed grassy field, with their new friend; Suki the fairy. It was just a day ago when Suki changed from an unhappy lonely to a loved and happy fairy. It was a lovely day in Sakura’s field. It was a field surrounded by tall shady trees. Hoppy, Sora and Kiyo was playing happily, “ Today is a wonderful day,” Hoppy said, “ Yes, we agree,” agreed Sora and Kiyo, as they ran happily playing their favorite game; “Tag.” They played the same exact game all day. They enjoyed it. When they were hungry, they would eat berries in the bushes or apples on the apple trees. They were always happy, but they never dreamed that they would make friends with a fairy.

    It was Oct 31st, the day of Halloween, but it wasn’t Halloween where Hoppy lived. It was the day that Kora an evil tree died of a forest fire, which left the opposite site of Sakura’s called Wither’s woods. That day, Kora was reborn because Kora only lost his strength and used the past five year absorbing the life out of the trees around him. Now he wanted power to control the whole forest. Kora searched all morning till he found a fairy. A fairy would have the power he needed to take over the forest.

    Suki was an unhappy fairy who had little confidence so she believed that the animals on Sakura’s field would never be her friend. So today she decides that she would hide herself away in the Wither’s woods, not expecting that Kora was waiting for her. She had no idea why she was even going, but her soul just dragged her into Wither’s Wood.

    Suki was walking toward Kora. Halfway there, she started to think about the animals on Sakura’s fields. She decided to use what she had left for confidence and use it to confront the animals. She started to walk back to Sakura’s field, Kora was watching her walk, but he wasn’t pleased, he was angry. So, he used his powers of the undead roots and grabbed Suki’s leg and dragged her to him. Suki, too scared to even speak started to scream with all her might, “AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

    Suki screamed so loud, that Hoppy heard with her big ears back in Sakura’s field. “Do you hear that?” She said.. “I don’t hear anything, what do you hear?” asked Sora and Kiyo. “I hear a cry for help in Wither’s Woods.” “But, how can that be Hoppy, everyone knows that no one lives there, no one except Kora.” “And you know that he died five years ago,” said Sora. “I know, but it still worries me that there maybe someone in Wither’s Wood in trouble.” Kiyo saw that Hoppy was really worried, so he said, “I’ll go check for you, ok?” “Thank you, Kiyo!” Hoppy said as she hugged Kiyo with joy.

    Kiyo flew up and flew towards Wither’s Woods, when he got there he couldn’t believe what he saw. A fairy was being hurt and straggled, but it wasn’t the fairy that surprised him, it was what was straggling her that surprised him. It was none other than Kora the undead tree. Kiyo was scared and flew back to Hoppy as fast as he could. When he got back he said to Hoppy, “KORA IS ALIVE!” “But that can’t be, he is suppose to be died, isn’t he?” Sora said surprised. “I saw him, and he is straggling a fairy!” “We have to help her!” Hoppy said.

    In a jolt Hoppy bolted towards Wither’s Woods. Kora saw her coming and decided to have some fun; he used his powers and moved the trees so that it would be a maze. “Mwahahahahaha!!!” Kora laughed. Meanwhile..... Hoppy, Kora and Kiyo were running as fast as they could, but they kept going back to square one. “Hoppy, weren’t we here 5mins ago?” Sora said. “Your right, I think Kora is doing something in the wood, so that we won’t be able to find him.” “Hey, Sora can your claws be able to cut these trees down, so we can get to him?” Kiyo asked. “I think so” Sora used her claws and tried cutting down a tree, it worked. So she decided to cut all the trees that lead to Kora.

    When they got to Kora, Suki haven’t died yet, so Hoppy, Kiyo and Sora used their character features to cut Kora down to pieces. Hoppy used her teeth and chipped Kora branches. Kiyo pecked his bark, so that he would fall down and last Sora used her claws to cut Suki free. Kora tried to fight back, but he was out numbered 3-1. So little by little, the three cut him to size, till he was no more. They saved Suki and they brought her back to Sakura’s field.

    Suki was happy, and was so thankful that she hugged them. They were glad that she was safe, so they asked her what her name was and why she was in the woods in the first place. She said that she was there because she was afraid that they wouldn’t like her. Hoppy said, “Why won’t we like you?” “Because I am a fairy, no one likes fairies.” “I like fairies, why don’t you be our friend?” “OK!” Suki said. So they all became friends and played happily, Suki taught them new games and she learned new games herself.