Journal Entries of a Survivor
Day 8
oohh myy goooddd.....they...they were everywhere..the windows...the door they broke...broke..them..all...im still shaking.. they were pounding on the door i thought i was save for a while but too many of them piled up at the door..and split around the windows... i took a few knifes and the radio...i told the guys through the radio they said they werent gonna leave the house i gotta get there myself..sheet im hiding in the attic and they filled the house i guess i gotta find a way through the attic to the outside... i'll leave soon enough i just hope all the guys will still be alive and there wont be too many of them and it outside the house...o god..
Day 9
well its allmost been 2 weeks so far... and i peeked out through a hole in the attic walls to the outside... i barely saw any but i saw somthing that passed in my sight extremely fast and i heard somthing running around on my roof...im gettign real creeped out im gonna check the house tomorrow...it started to get more quiet maybe some of them left...
Day 10
well i was about to check the house...i saw a few survivors run in and close the door...i hope they arent one of them ...i covered up the opening for the attic so they wont find me for now...im gonna check on them in a bit..alltho i did see them board of all the broken windows and the door..i think they might just help me out...but i dont think the food supply will last with these many guys..about 4 i think...
Day 11
well one of them were bitten..he didnt look so good.. but my bite wound started to make me feel a bit woozy it kinda hurt too.... well i asked them wat happend they said they came from the other hideout i tried to get to earlier...they also said there were about 20 of them before they all left..so many died...they were either caught in a crowd of them or jumped by IT...i told them that we had to get back to the other hideout and why they even left...they said it was overrun because some idiot unbarricaded one of the doors, unlocked it, and tried leaving...it was too late beofre anyone could lock up the door again so they got in...i also told them we wont be able to survive very long unless we get over there... we gotta make a plan...and fast...
Day 12
dam the guy started puking blood like crazy in the corner of the hosue and is getting me kinda curious and suspicious of him... but after a while he looked okay..sort of.... i just dont feel safe whenever he's around its like he's...infected...
Day 13
oh my god... they again...were ....everywhere...they..they...followed them to my hideout ..he..the infected...guy..turned into..one of..them.. killed 1 guy and i stabbed them both and killed them...both..then they all came and broke the door and windows again.. the last of us 3 got in the attic again and closed up the opening...were stuck in here... one of the guys were allmost bitten but did get clawed.. but i feel really strange...i just hope i dont become infected..or one of..them...
Day 14
s**t s**t shity shity s**t s**t the wuz f^cking close... we made an attempt to get to the other place...but one of the infected saw us and attracted a bunch of them.. we ran and found a sewer and decided to hop in... its dark and damp down here im just glad i still have my small flashlight...but i think i heard some talking maybe there are some survivors down here...or..maybe.... just maybe their infected...one way or another i have to find out...
Journal Entries of a Survivor
This is the second week of this survivors entries... so far hes still doin fine but how long can he last? check out the third week.. coming soon!
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