I came home from basketball practice and threw my bag onto the kitchen floor. I glided to the fridge. I peeked inside bent over. I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around drinking a bottle of water. It was my mom. Of course! She’s so creepy sometimes.
“How was practice?” she said leaning against the counter by the fridge, with her arms crossed holding a letter. Oh no, it’s the phone bill. Whoops.
“Okay, I guess. But Coach made me do everything I have to work so much harder than everyone else.” I said making a pout face.
She smiled. “Good job though. You’re still alive.” She giggled. She uncrossed her arms and handed me a note addressed to me. I ripped it opened and looked at the letter.
This is unbelievable. We are invited to Helena and Aaron’s Greek wedding in Greece! And guess whose going?? US! Start packing we leave in 2 days. Your mom has the tickets.
Wow. I haven’t talked to Arielle since I was 13. Three years ago. My mom handed me two first class tickets for Saturday. I looked at my mom; she had a huge grin on her face. I looked at her and grabbed my keys off the counter. I had to go tell Coach.
“COACH!” I yelled into the dark gym. It had such an airy feeling, and smelled like sweat and wood. Ick! I ran into the men’s locker room into his office. He was sitting there looking at me.
“Hi.” I said kind of irritated.
“What do you want?”
“huh? Oh! Umm I’m not going to be at practice for a week or two. I’m going to Greece.”
“Thanks for telling me. Is that all?”
“Yeah.” Why would he be like this? I turned around slowly and headed for the office door.
“Stay in shape!” he yelled after me.
I was furious. I was MVP! You had to be kidding me. Was this a joke? Was I just Punk’d? Apparently not.
I walked to the car and rolled the windows all the way down. It was at least 85, hot for New York. I started the car and found my cell phone in my back pocket. I pulled out of York High and drove away. I’m glad classes didn’t start for another month and a half.
At the light I decided to call my long lost cousin. I went through my contacts and finally found her number I kind of forgot her name. Oops! I had a instant brain boost and remembered… Arielle. I clicked send. I heard it ring a couple of times and finally someone picked up.
“Hi. Is Arielle there?”
“Yeah. Hold on.” I waited a couple of seconds. Luckily it was a long light. I heard the phone being passed and Arielle asking who it was. Didn’t she have a brother? What was his name? That’s sad that I don’t remember my own cousin’s name.
“Hey. I got your letter.”
“Oh My Gosh! Hey! What do you think??” I was pulling my sweaty long light brown hair into a ponytail when she said this. OH! I remember her brother’s name: Blaze.
“I’m excited. I guess.” The light turned green. I stepped on the peddle and was going quite fast for the local speed limit. In New York a cop will only pull you over if you’re going like 5o over the limit.
“GOOD! OMG…Wait where are you? You guys are supposed to be on your plane here. Aren’t you coming?”
“Um. I’m in my car going back home. We’re supposed to be on a plane?”
“Oops. Yeah. Umm, I guess you didn’t hear.”
“I guess I didn’t. Sorry, but I guess I’ll see you in Greece.”
“Yeah. Well I got to go. I got to say goodbye to my friends.” Her high pitched voice was kind of annoying to listen to. I better go tell my friends I bet they’ll be stoked. It’s going to be fun. I was pulling onto my street in the middle of nowhere New York. I live 2 hours away from the city because my mom wants some piece and quite sometimes. The city is way too loud and bright.
I drove to my friend Kale’s house. She was always there unless she was with me or at basketball practice (with me). I ran up to the huge house. Did I mention her dad is rich and famous? So everyone wants to be her friend but she picked me because I’m “normal and down-to-earth” to her. I think she regrets it now that she’s hung out with me. I knocked and their maid came to the door.
“Hello Ms. Shaw.” She said in broken English. She’s foreign. From like Slovakia or something. I really try hard not to laugh when she talks but it’s so funny.
“Hey, Kale’s in the kitchen right?”
“Where else would she be?” She giggled. I ran off and turned the corner into the huge kitchen. It looks like it grows every time I come.
“AVERY!!” she had her head in the fridge eating turkey or chicken. She eats so much but the scary thing is she’s still like a stick. I saw her short inky hair in little pig tails that barely fit into the bands. She was in her basketball shorts and a white tank top and was in pink duck slippers. She looked like she was going to eat all that food in the fridge. She did a ballet turn and looked at me.
“Guess where I’m going??”
“No. Greece!” She looked disappointed. “It’s with my cousin.”
“Which one? Get a hot guy. And bring one back for me. But make sure he speaks English too.” She laughed.
“Arielle. I’ll try I don’t know when I’ll be back. I’ll write to you though.”
“Oh, isn’t there a big distance between where you two live. Have you guys talked in a while. Well, you have to get back before 5 weeks…”
“Yeah. I don’t really want to go. I mean missing practice?? Wait five weeks? Why?” I said cutting her off.
“Because we’re going to MTV music awards. And guess whose gonna be there?”
“YEAH! My dad got him to go for me and you. But mostly for you because you’re so nice and kind to us.” I started jumping up and down and ran to Kale. She looked at me totally confused she knew I wasn’t like this. I hugged her intensely. I let go and looked at her. She looked disgusted.
“It’s fine. I’m just really surprised I know you’re not like that. Humph.”
“ROBERT PATTINSON!!!!!!!!!!! Yay yay yay!!!! OMG I’m soooooooooo excited now. I don’t even want to go to Greece... I take that back.” She started laughing. I’ve met famous people that come to her parties but Robert Pattinson has never come to one of hers. I’ve met almost everyone… But him. “ I guess I want to go. But I don’t know about Arielle. We’ve been kinda distant. I haven’t talked to her in 3 years.” I wondered if she was the same from when I last saw her. We had a lot in common then but now our worlds just don’t travel in the same direction. “I’ve got to go. I’m going to Lucy’s house. Wanna come??”
“Sure.” Me, Lucy, and Kale. That’s how it’s been since we were really little. If you look at my baby pictures it’s all three of us with our moms holding us. Our parents were all divorced at different times but we all stayed together.
We went into my little car and drove towards my house. Lucy lives right next door. Of Course! Me and Kale were talking about what we were going to wear for the awards. She even said that we might present one. I got very nervous and tense. I don’t like talking about that stuff and she knows it. She usually does that stuff for me. She gets the clothes; I do the hair and makeup. I know that’s even worse but I get my sister, Lola, to do it for us.
“I’m thinking pink for you. For a change.”
“Ummm, how ‘bout no.”
“Why Not??”
“Kale. Come on. You know better.” She crossed her arms and pouted. “Oh. Now you’re gonna be mad at me?” She didn’t answer.
We pulled up to Lucy’s house. Kale opened the door before I even put it in park. She ran to the door before I could even close my door. She was inside on Lucy’s couch while Lucy was making a sandwich. She was still in her practice clothes. I sat next to Kale. She turned on the TV and didn’t even look at me.
“Kale, you know the story why I cannot wear pink!”
“Just this once!” She said still not looking at me.
“I’ll think about it. When I write you I’ll tell you for sure.”
She couldn’t help but start to smile.
“That’s good enough.” Kale said while Lucy was walking into the living room. Lucy was totally clueless.
“What happened?” Lucy said sitting in the recliner next to the couch.
“Avery might wear pink to the awards!!!”
“Yeah!” She said ecstatic.
“I know!” I said irritated
We were watching MTV Cribs. Kale’s house is being filmed next week and I guess I won’t be able to be on it. She asked me but I guess I can’t. Lucy hasn’t even looked at me since I came to her house.
“Lucy I’m going to Greece for a couple of weeks.”
“That’s cool.” She said still not looking at me.
“Yeah it is. Aren’t you excited?”
“For you? Yeah. But I wish I could come though.”
“That would have been soooooooooo much fun!” Kale jumped in.
“Yeah.” At that exact moment my cell phone rang. I glanced at the caller id. Mom. “What?”
“Come home and pack. We leave tomorrow.”
“I’m at Lucy’s. I’ll be right there.”
“Okay. Bye.”
I hung up my phone. “I got to go. Kale can you get yourself home?”
“She can stay here. Right?” Lucy said looking at Kale.
“Yeah.” Kale said nodding.
“I’ll come back over later maybe.”
“That’s fine.” Lucy said still watching the TV.
I walked towards the door and they both said in unison:
“Have fun on your trip!”
I closed the door behind me and walked to my car. It was a sand “river” (Lucy’s mom likes to call it) that separated the two driveways. I pulled into my driveway and walked up to the house. I opened the door and stopped in my tracks. I saw long dark brown hair in my kitchen. It was pulled back and she was wearing volleyball sweats. She turned around. Its Arielle. I saw her ice blue eyes lock onto mine.
“Nice joke huh?” she started walking towards me. It was like a lion hunting its prey. So intense on killing it. I felt like the little Zebra terrified of what’s going to happen next that I couldn’t even move.
I did a half laugh while she started hugging me intensely. I just put my arms lightly around her. I’m absolutely not the girl who is all…… like that. I pulled away and backed away.
“I’ve gotta go pack.” She gave me a look of unbelieveablility as she cocked her head to the side
I ran up stairs and grabbed my suite case out of the hall closet and set it on my bed opened. I put all my clothes from my little five drawer dresser onto my bed and started folding them. I put them in my bag and headed for the bathroom. I knocked on the white wood door and turned the silver knob to the left and it slowly opened. I hurried to the cabinet of mine. I share a bathroom with the guests. My mom gets her own. Luckily, who knows what she would do if we shared a bathroom. It’s a three bedroom, three baths colonial with a finished basement. I loved this house. My dad’s house is more, stuff in a room, compared to my mom’s. My room was a baby blue with girly things. My mom decorated it while I was with my dad for a summer. If I had my way it would be totally different. I grabbed my iPod and my new book Breaking Dawn and put it into my carry on. I can pack very quickly. I dropped my suite case down the stairs and watched it fall down onto the hardwood floors. My mom ran quickly to the stairs.
“Avery Lynn!”
I ran back to my room and grabbed my carry-on and ran down the stairs. Taking one step at a time then I felt my foot wrap around the back of my other leg. I remember the stairs coming very close to my face and the pain. I opened my eyes once while tumbling, I saw the ceiling and then the stairs. I closed them again. I landed on the cold hardwood floor. It felt so much better than the hard stairs. I rolled over to my back and finally opened my eyes again. I fell down 12 stairs. That sounds like me. Arielle was standing over me with my Aunt Marie.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I do that all the time.” I said getting up and brushing of my practice clothes. Crap! I forgot to change.
“Don’t worry about her.” I heard my mom say from the bathroom. Aunt Marie and Arielle headed into the kitchen while I went into the bathroom to check for any injuries.
I walked into the doorway and felt for the light switch. When I finally found it I saw myself looking back at me in the mirror. My long dark-brown hair pulled into a thick ponytail (its been that way since the car ride. My ice blue eyes looked straight back at me. I looked like Arielle just my face was fuller. I had no makeup on whatsoever. I was disgusted on how bad I looked. Luckily, I had sunglasses on all day besides at practice. Those girls I feel so bad for. Why? They see me when I’m totally disgusting looking. Ick! I didn’t want to look at myself anymore. I walked back threw the doorway and turn the light switch off.
I headed toward the kitchen. When my mom walked in I rolled my eyes at her. She snorted, trying not to laugh.
I walked in and immediately Arielle jumped up following me like she was tied to my legs. I turned around and she was looking at me like I was so fascinating. I walked out into the summer air and turned around. Arielle stood behind me waiting for me to do something.
“Chase!” I croaked calling for the dog. I turned and looked at Arielle who just gawked at me.
“Are you excited?” She said walking towards me. Oh No! not another hug. Humph, she didn’t.
“Sure. I guess. My friend wants me to bring a guy home for her.”
“Mine too!” We laughed together. I turned to see the dog standing at my feet. “Awe. How cute is he??”
“very.” I said in a hushed voice just barely loud enough for anyone to hear me. She walked toward Chase. His little stub of a tail waging a million miles an hour. She petted his face while he licked her cheek. She stood up. “let’s go back inside.”
“Mmhmm.” She mumbled. “I’m so excited!”
“Yup. When do we leave?”
“In two days.”
“Okay. Then why did I pack so early?” I said walking back into the house.
“Because you didn’t know I was coming and thought we were leaving today.” She said sitting back at the table.
“Oh. Okay. Um. Do you want to go see my life??” I said dangling the keys in front of her.
“OH YEAH!” She said jumping up and down.
“Let’s go.” I said running towards the door. I heard the chair scrap against the wood floor. I opened up the driver’s door and leaned into the seat. Right when I put the keys into the ignition Arielle literally jumped into the seat. “ready?”
“I really am ready to go see your life.” She said buckling her seatbelt. I started the car giggling.
“Okay. But to warn you, it’s not that terrific.” I said pulling out of my drive and into Lucy’s. Arielle looked confused.
“Your neighbor’s house?”
“Wait. First I have to tell you I don’t live up to the Shaw legacy. Lola and McKenzie started their own. I’m a normal girl at York High. I blend in. Lola was Homecoming Queen for 3 years, started the whole cheerleading squad and captain for all 4 years, and a Blonde. McKenzie was head flute, Senior Class President, straight A+ student, and was a Blonde. The Blondes are a group of girls with bleach blonde hair, dark tan, and very popular. I’m none of those things. I play basketball and head point guard. I’m short have dark-brown hair and I’ve gone out with the hottest, most popular, boys in the whole school, every girl liked him. Why? Because I’m not, whatsoever, like any of the other girls in my school. You’ll see.” I opened my door and walked towards Lucy’s door. I knocked.
“Umm. Hi.” Lucy said opening the door. “Back from Greece?” she started giggling.
“Ha ha very funny. Umm, this is Arielle my cousin. She wanted to meet you and Kale.”
“Oh, well come on in. Its nice finally meeting you.”
“Same.” Arielle said with a smile walking behind me into Lucy’s house. “Where’s Kale?”
“In the kitchen.” Me and Lucy said in unison.
“Humph.” We walked into the kitchen and Kale was in the fridge with her short brown hair in pigtails still, same as before. She peeked her head out of the fridge.
“Who was-… oh. Hey Avery… Who is this??”
“Oh, this is Arielle” I said stepping to the side so Arielle was fully visible.
“Hey. I’m Kale.” Closing the door Kale set down the food and walked over and gave Arielle a hug. OH Boy! These two will be best of friends. She stopped hugging Arielle and looked at me. “I thought you were supposed to be on your way to Greece.”
“Yeah me too. But apparently we’re leaving in two days. So, I’m showing her around and then we’re going to the city tomorrow and shopping for some clothes for me for Greece.” Arielle looked excited yet puzzled.
“You?” Kale said “Are you sure? Your taste is kinda…”
“Thanks. But if you want to come you can but I think me and Arielle can handle it.”
“Maybe, we’ll see.” Kale said. “But let’s go raid my closet for a bikini. You’ll never buy one even with Arielle there. No offence but I mean come on has she ever seen what you wear. I pick out your clothes for the award shows and all the events. But you never dress up for school or dates or away games.”
“Thanks Kale for all that. But, I’m not going to the beach, I have bathing suites and a dress. And I have clothes. I mean it’s not like I’m trying to impress anyone. I don’t want a guy.”
“Yeah not after Chris.”
“You can come I guess, if that’s alright with Arielle.”
“Oh My Gosh that would be so much fun! I think me and Kale would be a lot of fun. I could get to know her and Lucy better.”
“Me?” Lucy said from her recliner.
“Yeah why not 34I think me and Kale would be a lot of fun. I could get to know her and Lucy better.”
“Me?” Lucy said from her recliner.
“Yeah why not?? I could get to know Ave’s friends and her life…” Arielle said going up to Lucy and standing behind her.
“Ave??” Kale said. “Let’s go to my house to get some cash.” Her eyes practically turned into money signs.
“Um, I have money. It’s not like I’m poor.”
“Yeah but we’re going to designer clothes stores and boutiques. I don’t think you can afford that. And don’t even think we’re going to one of your stores. We’re shopping at a boutique and using my money. My dad would give us all of our money if he knew we were shopping for you.”
“Haha. I don’t want to do that. I don’t need a whole wardrobe.”
“ Yeah. Has Arielle ever seen your clothes??” She looked at me with one had on her hip.
“No.” I mumbled hanging my head in shame. My clothes aren’t that bad. Or so I thought.
“Then its set. We’re going to the designer boutiques in the city tomorrow. I’m buying. And! We’re getting your pink dress fitted and designed for you.”
“Umm. Didn’t we already have this discussion? I thought we decided that I’d think about it.” I saw Kale’s face drop. “Fine. I guess this one time I can wear pink. But you know the story. After this don’t ask me anymore. And if I start bawling my eyes out on the way and messing up Lola’s hair and make-up it’s absolutely your fault. I mean it. Make it pretty.”
I didn’t even stop talking before Kale started jumping up and down and screeching. She stopped for a second and looked serious. “You think it won’t be pretty?? Avery, you know me.”
I nodded. “Baby Pink. And why not… add sparkles.”
“No WAY!!! Lucy!!!! She said SPARKLES!!!”
Lucy appeared behind Kale in mere seconds. What have I done? I’m gonna really regret this. s**t. I blinked.
“Kale. Calm yourself or I won’t let you do it.” She stopped jumping
“Fine.” She pouted. “Well, Arielle what do you think?” She said turning her head to Arielle now next to me.
“Umm, I dunno. I think Avery will look cute in pink.”
“and cute clothes….” Kale said adding onto the conversation.
“What’s the point of arguing I always loose.” I said turning to Arielle. “Air, lets go. Kale if you want to come tomorrow you can. But be ready in the morning. I’ll pick you up.”
“Mmmkay. I better go home then early. Lucy is that fine? You can spend the night at my house.”
“That’s fine.” Lucy said returning to her recliner. “Have fun Avery.”
“Thanks.” I ran to her recliner and gave her a hug. Again like Kale she gave me a funny look and didn’t return the hug. It was kinda awkward. I pulled her away and looked at her. She had the same discussed look on her face just like Kale. “Okay. Awkward. Bye. I’ll try to call you, but no promises.” All she did was nod.
“Com’on Arielle.” I said letting go of Lucy and she just stood there dumbfounded. We got into the car and drove to York High School. It was a 25 minute drive. It was long but it was the only school in the area.
We pulled into the parking lot and got out. Boys Hockey was in the weight room. Ugh. I hope Josh and Chris still aren’t there. Captain and Assistant. I went out with both of them. The two hottest boys in the school. Me and Josh still kinda have something going on but I don’t think he wants Chris to know about it yet for a while so its on the down low. Chris still has a thing for me.
“This is the school. I’m tired and I wanna go take a shower. Can we go home?” I lied. I’m not tired. Since I was thinking about Chris and Josh a sudden headache came on.
“Yea that’s fine.” Arielle said disappointed.
Chapter 2
I woke up to a texts on my phone. It was seven a.m. Kale.
The second was from Josh.
Hey. I wanted to kno if u wanted 2 go to hang 2day….. W/ your cuz Arielle. Kale told me. Btw I saw you 2 after weightlifting outside in ur car. Lol. biggrin
I closed out the message and wanted to throw it across the room. Sleeping on the air mattress isn’t that terrific. So my day so far was just PEACHY! Josh. Oh. My. Gosh. He is so freaking bi-polar! One day he doesn’t want to be together. One day he does. UGH!
I opened up a new message to Kale.
I need 2 go 2 weightlifting! I think Arielle is out for a run. She’s different from when I last saw her. She really is focused on her volleyball. I’m going to get ready. I might take a shower. Wait Arielle just went in. Ill just put on my makeup and do something nice with my hair. Josh txted me. Ill tell u wen we go shopping.
I pressed send. I looked around for Chase. He should be around here somewhere. I heard the shower. I looked at my bed and Arielle wasn’t there. Hmm…. I got up and stumbled toward my dresser. I pulled out an old pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I cradled them in my hands and moved to the door. I pushed it shut. I slid off my pajama shorts and replaced them with sweatpants. I did the same with my tank top. I opened up the door and walked slowly down the stairs. Arielle was at the table eating Special K.
“The cinnamon stuff is the best.” I said jokingly.
“Yeah, it’s my favorite.”
“Mom loves it too.” I thought of my mom. Where is she? I like the more “grown up” cereals while she likes the flavored. She did the grocery shopping.
“And its a lot healthier than my other favorite.”
“Is it still lucky charms?” I asked. Whenever she came out to New York we would have to buy Lucky Charms just for her. Then she would take the box back.
“Yeah….” She said putting her head down in embarrassment.
I laughed.
“I love the marshmallows! You so can't blame me!”
“I don't its just you're 17 and still love the marshmallows. Its kind of funny.”
“Yeah…I guess it is.” She sighed. “I cant tell you how happy I am that Blaze didn't come this time. Oh my gosh he's gotten worse since the last time you saw him.”
“I don't really remember that much about him. Just that he was really annoying.” I didn’t the last time I saw him was when he was 11.
“And he followed us around everywhere.” She added.
“Yeah, I remember that too. But we have to deal with Brooke and Blake. They're not much better.” I said dreading seeing my two annoying cousins that my Aunt Julie always made us watch.
“Yeah I guess. Hopefully aunt Julie won't make us take care of them the whole trip.”
“Hopefully she'll take care of them herself or she'll find someone else to.”
“Maybe she'll find a Greek nanny like they found us Greek baby sitters or 'body guards'.” She rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, what's up with that? Do they not trust us or something?”
“Mom told Helena about how she was worried I'd found some Greek boy and run off with him. “Even if I do I have volleyball.”
“yeah. I have basketball. And who knows about Josh. I don’t want to have a long distance relationship. Im not going to do that to myself no matter how gorgeous they are or how amazing their accent is. Even though it would mess with Kale so much!” we started giggling. I started to think about my dream even though I didn’t remember it that well and it confused me.
On seperate parts of the beach this mysterious blurr that looked like
a man called my name. When he spoke it was like a song. So beautiful
and light. In a way it was comforting. He ran toward me. What used to
be a blurr was turning into what looked like a mucular man. as he got
closer my heart began to race. So fast it began to skip beats. The
blurr became a man with darkish blonde hair warm intense eyes and a
beautiful smile like it came off a god. He got even closer his hands
took mine and they wrapped themselves around the tops of his shoulders
and came together barely at the back of his neck. he stared into my
eyes. His eyes burned into mine. I reached up onto my tip toes to kiss
his soft pink lips. He pulled away and again looked at me intensly and
his lips motion into a beautiful smile, filashing his bright white teeth. They were perfect.
"Avery. " he said without
moving his lips it sounded like a girls voice. "avery!" my eyes
snapped open and arielle was there staring at me like I needed mental
help or somthing. She shook my shoulders "are you okay? U totally just
blanked out. "
"yea. I'm fine. " I lied. I wondered again who this boy was. Mysterious, gorgeous, muscular, charming, gentleman. The perfect boy. That’s the same thing that I thought about for Chris.
“Are you sure?” she said bending down to look into my eyes.
“Yeah. Let’s go get ready. Kale will be very excited. Just a warning. “ I giggled.
- by justlovely12 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 01/31/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: As Far as Cousins Go - Avery
- Artist: justlovely12
- Description: Two cousins Arielle and Avery have been together forever. They took their seperate ways 3 years ago and have been given the chance to go to Greece for their cusins wedding. To make sure they dont have any fun their moms have place bodyguards on them, Dimitri and Aristotle. Knowing they cant have any relations with any boys (totally agianst girl code) they accidentily fall in love... maybe.
- Date: 01/31/2009
- Tags: cousins avery
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