The Death Trio, is a group of thieves that consists of three thieves, each thief is a master of one element. Rakon the leader is an expert air bender. His light gray suit has clouds wrapped around the legs. His weapons are the long sword, rapid firing air pressure gun, and the mace belt. Skout is a fire bender. His blood red suit has flame decorations, a spiked chain, a shape shifting fire staff, and a flaming spike glove. Draco is an earth bender. His black leather suit has spinner blades, rock spike shooters, and earth land mines.
The story begins in Peru, The Death Trio are in the king of Peru’s castle to steal the Peruvian emeralds, inside they find them easily but when they exit the Mansion they meet up with the dragon riders, a nasty group of thugs that mean trouble, “What do you want?’’, said Rakon. “You know plenty well what I want’’, said Greives, leader of the dragon riders. “Hand the emeralds over!’’ “Never!’’ said Skout And the thieves ran towards the base. “After them!’’ The chase was on. Their base was just up ahead all they had to do is out run the dragons. They each had their own forts, each fort can only be accessed by their element. They reached their forts and went to the top of the forts and attacked the thugs with everything they had. Then when the other earth, air, and fire benders heard of the attack they came as reinforcements. “Be gone!” shouted one of the air benders. The sight of all the benders forced the thugs to retreat. Later outside the forts the Death Trio thanked the other element clans and chased the Dragon Riders with more reinforcements. It was a gruesome battle warriors and thugs falling to the ground with the Grim reaper in their eyes. The battle lasted for hours but when it was over the Death Trio were victorious and the thugs never caused trouble again. With the emeralds in their possession and the Riders gone they headed off to Washington D.C. to steal a priceless item from the white house.
At the white house there were bodyguards in front of the white house, dead, and the doors were blown open. The curious clan headed in to the house to find The Bombers, A highly trained explosive crew, ready to attack at any means possible. “What are you doing here bombers?’’ “What do you mean, we are here to take the Declaration of Independence why?’’ “Do you want it?’’ “Hand it over!’’ said Draco. The leader of the bombers said, “What if we don’t want to?’’ “Death Trio attack!” then the battle raged on, rock being thrown by Draco. Skout was being careful not to light any fuses with his fire bending and Rakon did his best to blow out the flaming fuses flying towards them. until the government found out and sent the swat team in there and the Death Trio grabbed the constitution and ran just barely getting out of the back before they got arrested and sentenced for life. The Bombers were not so fortunate.
Next stop was China the Death trio was planning on stealing the scales of a ,now dead, dragon.
China was home to beautiful gardens and huts with peaceful people. Except the city of Beijing. They were under heavy attack by ,the much like the Death Trio, The Flaming Pandas, a notorious evil robbing gang. Janku is the leader of this group he can bend air the same way Rakon does. “ Oh look it’s the sweet little trio, ha-ha-ha.” “You keep your mouth shut Janku.” “Why are you here anyway?” said Rakon. “Why for the scales of course.” “ man we just don’t have any luck lately.” Skout mentioned to Rakon. “Well your not getting them, Death Trio ATTACK!” The clash began although unlike the many other battles the Death Trio have encountered, this battle was virtually impossible. This was due to the fact that the Flaming Pandas also had powers matching the Death Trio’s. This began when both groups were younger they not only didn’t have powers but they were not rivals either. The six lived on the same street growing up and played together often. One day when all six were out playing at the park they looked up into the darkening smoky gray skies and watched as three meteorites crashed into the ground not even fifty feet away. The six followed the long white, red, and green trails of lights left by the meteors. When coming across the meteors Rakon picked the white glowing meteor up, being the bravest at the time, and at that moment the glowing meteor as if by magic, absorbed into his body. Janku caught the meteor when Rakon fainted while Skout and Draco caught Rakon. The same thing happened to Janku. Then the two other meteors shot up struck the others. This being the reason they have matching powers. The meteor was caused by three chipped pieces of the three central forts with glowing lights around them, home of the elements. Then the Flaming Pandas wanted to use there powers to get money. The Death Trio thought it would be cool too, however when stealing a kids lunch money the Flaming Pandas were cruel and killed the innocent little kid. Rakon, Skout, and Draco told the others to leave and took the money back. Janku took matters into his own hands and created the Flaming Pandas. The three decided to steal with out hurting anyone and became the Death Trio. As the battle raged on the Emperor came across the shards of glass, wood, and stone being thrown high into the air from the buildings that the rival gangs crashed into. He immediately sent men down to investigate. Upon there arrival the gangs were at work destroying each other. “Put down your weapons and put your hands behind your head!” yelled the general. Since both gangs were notorious robbers they fled the scene and then the General ordered his forces to follow them. The first to speak was Rakon, “Look Janku even though were rivals, you know were both going to be put behind bars unless we work together!” “I know but if they catch you we can get away!” then Janku started to attack them. And with that done, Rakon had no choice and shot and killed Janku and his band of thieves with his rapid firing air pressure gun. The cops stopped briefly to call a medic to the scene and before they knew it the Death Trio was off towards the Emperors castle. “Finally were here!” exclaimed Draco. After along night of hopping from roof top to roof top and avoiding police they headed into the castle after defeating the guards out front. Inside it was like a maze with long corridors leading to dead ends and turns. But luckily inside they heard a voice. This voice was singing. The Death Trio followed the voice down a long corridor quietly. Then, It stopped the trio looked around confused as to where the voice went. The trio saw nothing, they could have sworn the singing came from the exact spot they were standing. “Who goes there!” yelled the weird and mysterious stranger. The trio quickly spun around and from the dark shadows of a corner a silver wolf emerged snarling at the intruders. The wolf continued to snarl at the three confused and frightened friends. “Where did that man go?” said skout quietly to Rakon. Then an extremely weird thing happened, the wolf stopped snarling and spoke. “What man? There was no man” “Did you just speak” said all three simultaneously. “Indeed I did.” still confused the trio stared blankly into the eyes of the wolf. “Well who are you? Must I ask again?” Clearing his throat Skout said almost nervously “W…we are the Death Trio.” “who are you?” “I am Jet. the Emperor once found me alone and hungry when I was a cub and took me in, he now lets me roam these halls alone.” “Well it’s a pleasure to meet you Jet.” said Rakon. The Death Trio and Jet talked for along time telling about there lives. Jet was very unhappy to hear they were going to steal the scales from the man who saved his life, Until they told him about all the thieves following the Death Trio trying to get ahead and steal other artifacts for evil, unlike the Death Trio who wanted mystic items to improve their powers. Jet, although still unhappy about the idea, went with them leading the way. “There they are.” said Jet pointing with the tip of his pointy wet nose. “Thanks,” said Draco politely. Just as he was about to step into the room Jet pounced in front of him. “Why did you do that Jet!” Exclaimed Draco. “Look” said Jet and pointed to the light beams on the floor. “Whoa, Thanks Jet.” “well only one thing to do,” Rakon sat down on the floor in a meditative position and a cloud appeared beneath him, levitating him up and across the lasers on the floor “quick grab the scales!” exclaimed Scout anxiously. Rakon lost his focus and fell on the beams. An alarm sounded and The four ran down corridor after corridor to get out of the castle, but a just before they got to the last hallway Jet stopped and turned around. “Jet come on we have to go, what’s wrong?” “I cant just leave him, he saved me.” “I’m sure he wont mind he cant expect you to stay forever.” “I guess,” said jet sullenly. Then they continued down the road to the pyramids of Egypt.
The trio approached the giant pyramids and gazed at the top of a certain one. The very tip seemed to be glowing. They looked at each other, shrugged, and walked inside and looked at the giant death trap leading to the top. They knew they had to go to the top so they went to the end of the room and began their adventure to the top. The first obstacle were big blocks moving in and out of the walls. Ignoring the fact that that is not even really possible they hopped quickly from one block up to the next then on the last one they had to jump to a bar sticking out of the wall so they wouldn’t fall. Rakon stayed while the others very awkwardly went to the next bar. Jet was under the arm of Rakon. Once Draco and Skout were in front of him he told them to let go. They replied with a loud “NO.” he told them to trust him and that they wont die. So on the count of three they both dropped and Rakon quickly filled his lungs with air and used his air bending to blow them all the way to the wall about 30 feet in front of them they landed on a big brick platform. Rakon threw Jet in front of him and blew him to the others. He then formed two balls completely made out of air behind both feet. They pushed against his feet and caused him to spin around the bar then he gained speed and let go the balls disappeared and he flew all the way to the wall using air to slow himself down before splattering across the brick. The next obstacle was a puzzle the platform they were standing on was about half the room like a floor in a house but only half. And there were mirrors all around them and a single beam of light shining on a spot on the floor. They arranged the mirrors so that the light beam was then shining on a symbol on the wall after about an hour of that the symbol begin to glow and then pillars emerged from the slanted walls of the pyramid they jumped carefully from pillar to pillar passing Jet along with them. Then they came to a ladder that led about 40 feet up and they were at the top where a thick bullet-proof glass platform was blocking the way to the eye of Horus the last item they need. Then skout threw a big ball of fire threw the middle of the platform but the glass was to thick. Rakon got an idea. “ Skout shape your staff into a bow, Draco hand me a land mine and your blades.” The two handed up all the requested items carefully so they wouldn’t fall off the ladder. Rakon instructed Skout right below him, “Skout, hold my back up and don’t let me fall.” then Rakon put his feet in between the ladder and leaned back hanging Horizontally with Skout holding him up. Then Rakon notched the bow with his long sword. He tied one of Draco’s spinning blades to the tip of his sword and a mine to the side. “ What are you planning to do with that Rakon?” Draco asked curiously. “well Draco I am planning to shoot my sword up there and I’m hoping the spinning blade will cut at least half way through where I’ll blow the mine up. “ wow, you lost your mind.” said Draco. “well maybe I did but it’s worth a shot.” “ would you two be quiet and hurry!” yelled Skout becoming impatient and tired from holding up Rakon. “ sorry.” they both said laughing. Rakon took a deep breath and aimed at the glass. “Here goes nothing.” Rakon said before pulling back the string as far as he could and letting go. Rakon gave it an extra boost by blasting a whirlwind up at the device he created. The blade hit the glass and dug in about an inch and started to slow down. While pushing Rakon back up to hold onto the ladder Skout said “ its not going to make it the blades stopping.” “wait for it.” Rakon said. Just then the wind Rakon shot met up with the sword and thrust it up farther into the glass. “perfect!” Rakon shouted with excitement. Then Draco hit a button on his belt activating the mine and it blew the glass apart sending glass down to the ground. Rakon grabbed Skout and Draco and skout grabbed Jet. Rakon used the air around him to push the three of them up to the top were they stood very still on the smooth bricks of the pyramid. They grabbed the eye and called motorcycles they brought from their forts. These bikes were specially crafted for them and have a life of their own. They came to life and rode to the top of the pyramid. Their motorcycles were finally there and they got on. Of course no adventure is good if it doesn’t have a bad guy so of course the dragon riders showed up. The death trio began riding down the pyramid. The dragon riders were not far behind. Then about half way down one of the dragon riders threw a spike and it hit the back of Skout’s tire and it threw him over his bike. He hit the pyramid and was knocked out Rakon and Draco raced past him and slammed on the breaks so they can catch their friend. Their brakes broke from the extreme momentum they had. They had no choice but to wait. Then the bike still following orders caught up to Skout and pushed him faster down the pyramid he was then way ahead of the others. Rakon tried to bend the air to stop him. But he was going so fast he couldn’t focus or else he would end up like Skout. After about half an hour of falling Skout finally hit the ground. Rakon and Draco stopped and mourned over the body of Skout. He lay there unmoving, dead. But it wasn’t over yet. The dragon riders were still coming. With so much rage in them, Rakon and Draco looked up at the enemies coming. They both blasted the brightest light you have ever seen forcing the Dragon Riders all the way back up the pyramid and off into the skies then as soon as they were gone they dropped to their knees and wept. Jet walked out of the pouch attached to Rakon’s bike and walked over to the body of Skout and also wept. After mourning for the loss of there best friend, Rakon picked him up and set him on his bike carefully and turned to Draco. “Skout will not die today we will save him.” “but how?” said Draco sadly. “we will see master Lelah, she’ll know what to do.” Rakon got on his bike tied the mangled body of their friend to his back and rode off into the distance, with Draco following.
- by coolioking 89 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 01/27/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: The Death Trio
- Artist: coolioking 89
- Description: three thieves set out to steal priceless items before other thieves do. until an unsuspected accident occurs forcing them to put aside the stealing for awhile.
- Date: 01/27/2009
- Tags: death trio thieves
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