Oh a Maiden that was trapped in her loneliness she wondered around the earth. She was always noticed because of her beauty, she always wore a long red veil covering her face and a red dress. But she was bare foot and people wondered what she was if she was human or a spirit and when people tried talking to her they could only see her fierce red eyes from her veil and they ran screaming. This maiden was alone, she had no one, all she would do is watch people pass her as she walked away and listen to their words. She didn't know her name she didn't know if she was dead or not. Yet when she sat under the shady trees at parks children would come by her and sleep against her saying "we love you miss angel"!
The maiden would stay still till the children's mothers got concerned and dragged them away and the maiden would stay still and silent seeing the children's tears pour and the mothers saying hurtful words "never go near that thing"! "she's no angel with all that red she's a devil" "why does such a thing live"!
The maiden would get up and start walking again, even in big cities people stared, at night people screamed vampire and ran. But the maiden didn't care she just kept walking to the unknown destination. Soon the maiden was in a village where the people smiled as they saw her and the children followed her. But once they past a iron gate the children went back and the maiden continued till she saw a statue with a man and a women that looked just like the maiden and then the stone rose in the man and womens hands had turned into a living blue rose that the maiden picked and suddenly the maiden started to bleed from her chest where her heart once lived and she fell to the ground watching the blue roses thorns sink i her hand and make it bleed. The maiden then banished leaving a bed of blue and red roses around the statue. But the children and villagers still see the maiden pass by with the man carrying the blue rose together and when at the statue the lovers eyes are pouring blood as their last tears but they still wonder happy and no longer alone... heart
The Lost Maiden
amythyst crystal
this is a story about my avatar that I have entered i think it's called the maiden.
I hope you enjoy my story please comment and vote.^^
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