• This is the story about your average teenage girl, and, like most teenagers in the world today, she suffers from being extremely misunderstood. Her parents are the absolute WORST thing for her. Do they really think she can’t hear them? Talking about the demon that must possess her. After all, she argues with her sisters. So what if she wears a little black fingernail polish? They wouldn’t mind if it was pink. Maybe she just likes the way the color looks against her skin. Maybe she likes the way the tiny bit of eyeliner she wears really brings out the green in her grayish eyes. So, she’s not the happiest person in the world. Oh no! She’s not skipping for joy in the front yard when they wake her up at 6:30 every morning.

    In fact, the only time that she’s really happy is when she’s singing… or talking about singing… or thinking about singing. Singing is pretty much her favorite thing to do. And the only thing she’s even remotely good at. Well, this would be why she’s practically a different person at choir rehearsal. That’s the only time when she’s completely surrounded by people who share her interest. Never mind that they think she’s weird and try not to look her in the eye. One day, she would be something. Someone great, and then they would wish they had made her their best friend while they could.

    She’s not goth. She just wants to express a little bit of individuality. She doesn’t want to be plastic and look like everyone else. She had the blonde hair, and so, she had to add red and black streaks to make it her own. It’s not that she doesn’t like what God gave her. She just has to stand out a bit. Maybe it’s about the attention, but I think it’s mostly that she feels like she looks good when she wears crazy stuff. Like people see her, and aren’t looking through her. Instead of judging her by her beauty- which she is sourly lacking- they’re too busy looking at the new pair of arm warmers she got that have the cute little skull button on them.

    She pretty much has the most boring life in the history of boring lives. She’s home schooled. Now don’t go thinking that just because she doesn’t go to school that she must be weird and sheltered. She’s weird, but it doesn’t have anything to do with homeschooling. Although, it may have a little affect on her lack of people skills. It’s not like she’s never been to school. She’s gone to a series of private schools. All of them horrible and confining. She much prefers the comfort of her own home. Teaching herself on her laptop with her online academy. Her mom is no help when it comes to homeschooling. She’s pretty much on her own. Which is hard when you’ve got a bad case of ADD with unlimited internet access. Oooo… ebay. It won’t hurt to shop for just a minute…. Right! School. Stay focused! You can do this!

    She doesn’t have a lot of friends. She kind of picked two very loyal friends and put all of the responsibility on them to always be there for her. Friends that she had grown up with. If she was smart, she would have made a few backup friends. They can’t always be there. They used to all be homeschooled. The three musketeers they called each other. If you found one, you found them all. They could hang out whenever they wanted, always running around being immature. It didn’t matter how you acted as long as your friends were the same way. Things got a little complicated when her friends started school. One started collage at an early age of 15. The other started her sophomore year at the high school. She was left alone. It was fine at first. They called each other all the time. Even went over to each other’s houses and had slumber parties. Then her friends started to make friends. Which is what she would have wanted. That’s great. They’re no longer alone in school. But, then those friends slowly started to take her place. Then she was no longer needed.