• As second period was about to begin, Alex was standing in front of the class. “Ladies and Gentlemen we have a new student in our class his name is Alex.” said the teacher. Everyone looked away with a dirty look but Angel had a smile she was happy that he was in her class.

    Alex sat next to Angel and class began, Angel asked Alex if he wrote her the love note. As Alex looked at it he asked her if she would ever cheat on him. “Why would I cheat on you I love you with all my heart, I never knew that I’d find a guy that’s not that popular but you are very charming and I want to be with you for my whole life” whispered Angel. Alex was surprised that Angel wanted to be with him forever. “Does that mean you want to go out with me?” Alex said excitedly. “… ummm…” “ANGEL WHAT DID I JUST SAY TO THE WHOLE CLASS?” shouted the teacher (Mrs. Meanie) “First off you introduced Alex to the class then you took the absentee list and that was It.” said Angel “NO THAT IS NOT WHAT I SAID TO THE CLASS! YOU WILL NOW STAY AFTER CLASS!” yelled Mrs. Meanie the whole class started to giggle. “Yes Miss. I will stay in this ugly classroom!” Shouted Angel in a pissed off voice. “Angel do you want a detention after school with me?” said Mrs. Meanie “Miss, it’s my fault that Angel wasn’t paying attention in class.” said Alex. “Well thanks for being honest Alex but you’ll have to stay after class with Angel too.” said the teacher in a nicer tone.

    During the period, Angel passed notes to Alex saying that she’ll go out with him on one condition. “Hey what’s that one condition sweet pea?” whispered Alex. She wrote you can never hurt me or my friends and love me forever! “I’ll promise you that I won’t hurt you or your friends and that I’ll love you till the day that we die!” whispered Alex in a charming voice. As second period finished Angel and Alex stayed in class for 5 minutes saying nothing to each other and Mrs. Meanie asked the why they talked in class. “We… we… we… wanted to introduce ourselves to one another.” said Angel. “Oh I’m sorry that you two didn’t know each other but next time pay attention in class, thank you, you are dismissed now.” said Mrs. Meanie.