• Last we left off, Zaria had bumped into Hunter in the hallway, and they were rushing to class before they had gotten in late. Let's continue, shall we?

    Chapter 2: "What KIND of chemestry are we talking about?"

    Running one after another, Hunter and Zaria dashed into their Biology class, with not a moment to spare as the teacher had closed the door behind them.

    "Too close for comfort, I believe." the teacher spoke in a gruff voice. As the teacher began to wite on the board and explain his lesson for the day, Zaria and Hunter took a seat next to each other in the last two empty desks that werwe in the back. Sighing, Zaria slowly took out her notebook and began to doodle, while Hunter was chatting with another girl next to him. Apparently, hes not interested in this class, either. Zaria thought to herself. She began to listen in to him and the other girl's conversation.

    "Knock it off, Reany."

    "Come on, Hunter. You're no fun."

    "Damn it, this class is SO boring, I mean, what are we gonna learn here, anyway?"

    "Oh shut up. You know you pass this class with flying colors."

    "Whatever. I can't WAIT for chemestry."

    "What KIND of chemestry are we talking about?"

    "Knock it off, Reany! We're in class, you know."

    With a sigh, Zaria continued to doodle. That was the life of a normal teenager, she thought to herself. Flirting, laughter, giggling, and all I have is that stupid bloodstone.... She quickly shook her head of the thoughts as she contiued to doodle, when she was called upon by the teacher.

    "Zaria, would you like to do this problem? I know it may seem like physics, but we use physics in biology too, you know." he responded. Zaria, frowning glumly, stood up.

    "Yes, Mr. Rose." she whispered. The class grew silent as she walked in front of the board and observed the problem.

    A boy, with the mass of 110 grams, threw a tennis ball at the speed of 5 mph. What is the force, and what formula are we going to use?

    Sighing, she quickly drew out the formula and solved the problem on the board in less then five mintes:

    F (force) = M (mass) A (acceleration)
    110gX30mhp= 550

    She quickly turned her back to the board and left to her seat. Hunter watched as she did the whole thing, amazed by her work and speed.

    "Hunter, I'm talking to you.....Hunter!" Hunter, ignoring Reany, looked at Zaria, who had went back to doodling in her notebook. There's something about her........

    ||Well, that's it for Chapter 2...hoped you guys liked it! Comment, please. ^^ M'kay, catch ya later and Merry Christmas!||