• The Black Sky.

    It's just like me, so dark and alone. And just like me, everybody ignores the black sky unless it shines. Not tonight, there are no stars and no moon. And no shine from me either.

    I closed my eyes.

    "Maybe I could help."

    I shot open my eyes to see a white feather float down to my forehead. I sit up and picked it off of my head. Why is a feather here?

    "Because I am here to help you."

    I turned my head. He walks toward me with a soft and gentle smile. Suddenly my heart started to glow as well. He looks almost angelic. A white cloak wrapped around him. A gentle glow that is coming from his expression makes me want to smile to.

    "I am here to help." He smiles. "How are you feeling?"

    "Like I want to die." I said as I looked down.

    He walks closer to me and sits down next to me.

    "Now why would you want to do that?" I look at him. And there is his gentle smile again.