• There I was. Sitting in the mall spacing out at my food that I bought but knew I wasn’t going to eat. Next thing you know my gothic best friend Kanika (whose name means black cloth in Japanese. Ironic much.)jumped up and was screaming “Aura! Aura!” Kanika had short black hair that was shoulder length on the sides and short in the back so she could spike it up. Her skin was a pale cream color, and her eyes were the most emerald shade of green that I’ve ever seen. We were total opposites, I had long and slightly curly brown hair. My skin was a light tan, and my eyes were so dark brown the were almost black.
    I looked around hastily, then I saw a man with a pair of plane tickets in his hand. I must have looked totally confused because he cleared his throat and with little enthusiasm said “YOU HAVE JUST WON A PAIR OF PLANE TICKETS TO PARIS, FRANCE! CONGRATULATIONS! YOU AND ONE LUCKY FRIENDS OR FAMILY MEMBER IS GOING ON A FREE TRIP TO FRANCE AND IS GOING TO STAY IN BOURSE HOTEL! HERE ARE YOU’RE TICKETS HAVE FUN KID!”
    Then he was gone and there were two airplane tickets on the table in front of me. I was still dazed, I took a sip of soda trying to come back from my daydream. Then, the realization shot through me. “OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!” I was jumping up and down. I had forgotten about the contest I entered earlier that day. Everyone was staring at me now. But I was to excited to even acknowledge them. Before I knew it I was hugging Kanika. We were screaming with excitement.
    “WOW YOU ARE SO LUCKY! I WANTED TO WIN SO BADLY!” Kanika’s expression was excited but her voice was sad and jealous.
    “Well who do you think I’m taking with me? My parents? No way in hell!” I blurted out with out thinking it through.
    “Wow! Really? Thank you, thank you, thank you! You don’t have to you know. Are you sure?”
    “More sure than I was about you ex Robby Hathoway (super hot, emo dude. That turned out to be not so emo after all, and was making out with the cheerleaders) being an a** whole and cheating on you!” she cringed at the sound of him name. But her cringe suddenly turned to excitement.
    “Thanks so much Aura! You wont regret this!”
    “I’d better not! Or you can kiss your new combat boots good bye!” I said teasingly. Because I knew the two of us would have a great time.

    We walked home, talking about ways to convince our parents well her mom and my dad (my mom had dies when I was six, and her father went out and never came back when Kanika was about two) to let us go. We came up with this “We are old enough to look after our selves. We will only be there a week. We will call every night, to tell you that we are okay.” it seemed perfect but when I told my parent. It didn’t sound as good as I thought it would.
    “Aura! You are only 15! You can’t go to Paris alone!” my dad was freaking out.
    “But dad! I won’t be alone, I’ll have Kanika with me at all times! Don’t you trust me dad?”
    “I trust you, it’s other people that I don’t trust!”
    “But it is free!” that always worked on my dad when combined with the puppy eyes.
    “Oh, okay fine! But call every night! And do not go anywhere without Kanika! No even to the bathroom!” Wow I never knew the limit of how over protective he was until now.
    I crossed my heart with two small strokes of my finger. “I promise, I will not breath, shop, or even pee with out Kanika.”
    “I’m serious! This isn’t a joke Aura!” his face looked like stem was going to blow out of his ears like in the old cartoons.
    “I know, I know.” I said rolling my eyes. “Well I had better go pack! I have a long day tomorrow!”