• It was the end of such a splendid year, but now it comes to this...
    I was roaming through my messeges until a random comment appears on my page, it was from Arron.

    My eyes were full of watery tear drops drolling down my soft roses pink cheeks, i was shaking and breathing slowly and gradually...from word to word my eyes focused on the letter.

    ...I'm sorry my love but this is how it has to end.

    love from Arron.H.

    I read the letter several times before i could speak.

    "Love from Arron." I said to myself quietly.
    "Hey Ena!!! how are you i got your messege,"
    "Hey Lavander, look at this messege Arron sent to me... can't you believe it,"
    I couldn't stop crying, my tears were transforming into puddles... sooner or later it will become a waterfall.
    "Ena, calm down... he's moving out of the country..."
    "FOREVER! It's forever ok Lavander, i'll never get to see him again."
    "I'm sorry Ena, when is he leaving?"
    "19th December..."

    To Ena,

    On the 19th of december at exactly 11:00am im going to move to another country, Denmark, and live there forever... i have decided that we should break up and go our separate ways.
    Im sorry my love but this is how it has to end.

    love from Arron.H.

    "Right now it's 10:30am,"
    "We only have 30mins to go! Hurry up and get dressed Ena we need to get to the Airport!"
    "And fast!"


    "ARRON! ARRON!" shouting out Arron's name with all these random people staring at me is pretty scary but it's worth it.
    "Where could he be Lavander?"
    My heart raced to the direction where Lavander pointed, i tapped his shoulder, he turned around and he said...
    "OMG i'm so sorry, thought you were Arron,"
    "What ever,"
    It was hopeless, i didn't have the chance to say goodbye and see those Brown eyes one last time... but then i felt something touch my shoulder...i turned around slowly, looking back at him i planted a kiss on his lips and he said...
    "I'm right here baby."