• "Father, are you sure you're feeling ok? I mean, the legends can't be real, that's why they're legends." Ricard said. Solomon kept a sure and serious look on his face while the trio was walking to the library. "Your Majesty, are you even going to answer us?" Ephraim asked. Solomon still remained silent. Ephraim and Ricard assaulted him with questions until they finally reached the library. The librarian immediately came to Solomon's aid. "Warrick, go get the book on the Harbinger legend." Solomon commanded. "Right away Sir." Warrick replied, and immediately went to get a book. Solomon called him to attention again. "Warrick. I mean the real book." Warrick looked at the king in horror. "T-The real b-b-book Sir? I-If you say so..." Warrick walked toward the end of the library and stopped at a blank wall. Ricard and Ephraim immediately caught up to him. "The real book? What the hell are you talking about?" Ricard asked. Warrick then pushed one of the marble panels on the wall, causing the wall to turn slightly. After a deal of pushing, a hidden passage with a single book sitting on a dais was revealed. An odd light hit the book, giving it an almost black glow. Warrick brought the book to Solomon, who began looking for a specific chapter. "Your Majesty? What was the book doing there?" Ephraim asked. Solomon finally spoke. "I think it is time you boys knew everything. You see, the Harbinger takes the form of a black crystal, which contains it's power to a certain point. Tell me, do you know what this power is?" Ricard answered "I don't know, an evil wizard's enchantment?", with a rather sarcastic tone to his voice. "Believe it or not, you're almost right." Solomon replied. "A long time ago, in a forgotten age, a power-mad mage tried to summon a demon from a realm beyond even hell. The Demon's name was Ga'Raska, the Lord of Chaos. The foolish mage thought he could summon him and absorb his power, thus making himself an almighty entity. But Ga'Raska was too powerful. He ran rampant throughout the land, carving a path of misery wherever he went. Finally, the 12 Archmages picked a hero out of the world and gave him a blessed sword, which the hero named Glorie. Using this blade, he fought Ga'Raska, sealing him into a diamond crystal. However, Ga'Raska was not fallen. He drew the hero into the crystal, which turned black. You may have also heard in the legend that the Harbinger has many different voices. This is because every victim's soul is added into the crystal. It seems that the only way for Ga'Raska to be released is if the crystal is either destroyed, or if the power is somehow transfered into another object. The odd things happening in Lira seem to coincide with the Harbinger legend, and if it is true, we need to find the Harbinger and lock it away forever. Now do you understand why you must go to Pharis?" Solomon explained. There was a long silence in the room. Finally Ricard broke it. "Do you have at least a remote idea of how insane you sound?" Ricard remarked. Solomon began to shake with rage. "IF YOU DON'T WANT TO TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY, I COULD ALWAYS SEND SOMEONE ELSE TO PHARIS!" Solomon yelled. Ricard looked down in shame. "I am sorry father." Ricard said. Ephraim noticed an odd look in Ricard eyes. Was it rage? Or something else entirely? "Ephraim, are you paying attention?" Solomon asked. "Sorry your Majesty, what were you saying?" Ephraim quickly answered. "I was saying, that Ricard should go help Marie with the preparations, and that I would like you to come with me." Ricard then took his leave, with a more somber walk than usual. "What is it you wanted me for?" Ephraim asked Solomon. " There is a special weapon that I think only you can wield." Solomon said. "And what weapon is that? A sword? I can certainly handle a sword you know." Ephraim remarked. Solomon turned to look at Ephraim at the doorway of the library. "This isn't just any sword." Solomon replied. "It's the Glorie."