RING!!! wahmbulance "Huh!!What??!" I screamed as i awoke.It was 6:00am in the morning and time to get ready for school.I hesitated to move. Mom came in the door and said "Angel!!!!WAke up, You don't want to be late for school! I have to go to work, if your late to school your grounded for an EXTRA week!!!!!" "Okay,okay!I'm up!"I got up and walked to the bathroom slugishly.I brushed my teeth,ate breakfast, and walked out the door to go to my bus stop at the Orbit ( a city bus).I got to school and hung out with my friend Destini. Soon enough 6th period was over and it was time for lunch. I ran all the way too the cafeteria.I got in line and tucked my shirt in.I walked my tray over to my usual table. My friends were laughing and having a good time. I wasn't.I felt sick, and just wanted to go to 8th period already.I gothome and checkedmy e-mail.I had the usual. "Join today and get a free ipod nano!" But there was a new message when i checked again. It read " I know where you are, ill be coming soon.! I got kind of scared, but maybe is was destini just pulling a prank on me. The next day i got home from school, another message was in my email, it said " Tonights the night, dont go to bed..Tick tock." This time i was really scared, i was home alone and the phone wasnt working. I drifted off to sleep. I felt something hit me. I was quickly shoved into a bag.
The haunting.
lady dreadful
13 year old Angel is an average girl. She's not always accepted at school, she dosen't even know if her friends are true friends. People use and abuse her.But then... Something changes her life... Something not understandable, something that;s not supposed to exist...This is her story...
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