• Pain Killers

    I do not own Inuyasha or his friends..unfortunatly…lol

    Inu POV Prologe

    “Kagome?” I called to my girlfriend, “Kagome? Where are you going?! Naraku might be waiting for you!” I yelled, worried.

    “Don’t follow me InuYasha!” She turned from me and started to run away, then turned back. ’Oh no’

    “Sit, sit, and sit, SIT!” She cried. I smashed painfully into the ground .“ Please don’t follow me Inu...” I looked up to see her running away while crying.

    “K..Kagome..!” I groaned from my hole in the dirt and passed out.


    I felt my ear twitch. I opened my eyes to darkness. I jumped up, “Kagome! KAGOME!?” I sniffed the air; she was still in her era. I ran to the Bone Eater’s Well, “Here I come Kagome, whether you want me to or not!”

    Chapter 1

    I went through the mystic well to Kagome’s home. I looked in the window to see what was taking her so long.

    “Kagome, where the HELL have you been, you little slut!” I sat horrified as a man beat up my Kagome.

    “Ra...Ranaku...I’m sorry..!” kagome was on her knees crying. It took everything in me not to go in there and kill that b*****d. He kicked her again and lit a cancer stick. He swore at her and then left her to cry, she went to her bed and I heard her cry herself to sleep.


    Kagome’s Dream

    ‘Huh…who is that?’ A shadowed figure stands before her, she can not tell who it is,” Uhm..hello?” She reaches out to touch them. She can feel ‘it’s’ head. ‘Dog ears!’ “Inuyasha!?” Kagome is very happy to ‘see’ him. He steps into the light, she can see him properly now. He frowns at her.

    “Kagome, where the Hell have you been? You little slut!” He grabs her shoulders and digs his claws into them.

    “I- oh..ow..Iinuy..I-OW!” She screams in pain, she looks at her shoulders, they are bleeding. “INU, stop please!” she pleads for him to stop, of course he doesn’t. She grabs his Tetsaigua, she wants the pain of living to leave her for good. The sword transformes and she stabs herself, she die-


    Normal POV

    “Kagome, stop! Enough,come one Kagome..” A scared voice quietly eased her out of the troubled dream she had been having. Kagome opened her eyes to see worried ones staring back at her.” Oh…!” She has tears in her eyes now, “Oh InuYasha..”She throws her arms around him. He strokes her head and whispers words of soft comfort.


    Inu POV

    “Come on Kagome, we are leaving this hell hole!” I said as I pulled her from her bed. She looked horrified at the thought.

    “I cant InuYasha..Rana..” She paused in silent horror. She had tears again; it killed me to see her this way. I looked her over and gasped, she had bruises on her arms and legs, and a particularly large one on her neck and face. I got even more angry at this Ranaku guy.

    “ Yeah well this ‘Ranaku’ guy can shove this” I unsheathed Tetsaigua,“ Up his –” kagome put her small hand on mine, pushing tetsaigua away from us.

    “I dreamt I killed myself with the ‘Fang’.” She explained quietly. Kagome put the sword on her desk.

    “Oh Kagome, please come away with me, you can stay with Keade if you wanted, just please leave this horrid place!” I pleaded to her. I grabbed her hand and she gasped.

    “What about Mom and Sota…?”

    I was about to answer her when the door opened, “where the Hell do you think your going, you pathetic excuse for a person?” Ranaku walked in. He looked at her and then looked at me. “Who and what the hell are you?” he sneered at me, as I was about to wipe that ugly smirk off him, he yelled at Kagome who had hidden behind me.

    “Where are her parents you b*****d!?” I yelled at him. He looked at me.

    “They are fine ..Now Kagome, GET OVER HERE!” He yelled.

    She was about to when I grabbed her hand again,” kagome..Please…” She started to cry again and shook her head, no.

    “NOW, Kagome.” She jumped and sidled around to him. He had that stupidly familiar grin of winning again.

    As I reached for her, “Kagome I am NOT leaving without you!” I cried and snapped to my sword, and almost swung it, but the idiot put himself behind Kagome.

    “Stupid Half Breed! Cant you tell that she doesn’t want you!” He laughed.

    Kagome and I gasped, only one (or actually a few..?) demon called me that. “ Well 'Ranaku',You can kiss this era goodbye!Come and fight me like the ugly spider you are, NARAKU!” I yelled.

    "You dare bare your fang at me, you stupid mutt?" naraku's eyes glowed black with hate.

    "Kagome! Hold him!Try a demon revealing spell!" i swung my glowing relic. Naraku glared and struggled to get out of kagome's grasp, but she had worked the spell, and now he was revealed for what he truly was. A blackish purple light erupted from kagome and went into our nemises. "KAGOME!?" I called out to her. A sickening scream came from Naraku. "Kagome, get out of the way!"

    I used the Backlash Wave and Naraku dissapated. Kagome ran out of the way and held my hand. "You were great, Kagome!" I hugged her.

    "Thanks Inu!" She said as she buried her head in my hair and into my neck.

    I sheithed my sword, " Kagome, do you know where Sota and your mom are?" She shook her head, and started to cry again. I took her hand and looked into her eyes," Comeon, I think I know where he would have put them." Kagome went onto my back and I jumped out of her window ant went to the sacred well and went through the portal.


    Kag POV

    "KAGOME!" A small boy ran twords me.

    "Souta!" I hugged my lilttle brother. Inuyasha stood behind me, letting me love my brother, I looked up and saw my mother. She was i Priestess clothes and was followed by my dearest friends.

    "kagome, your friends are so cool! Like Sango, Miroku, Shippou..."He ticked off their names on his fingers and smiled. I laughed and hugged him and my mom. Inuyasha was looking so fondly at me, it made me feel so happy to see him so.

    I gave my brother and mother two slivers of the Shikon Jewel and sent them home.

    I walked up to my boyfriend and kissed him. I figured he would have pushed me away, but he just kissed me back and hugged me.

    I started to cry, but this time it was out of happiness, The gang came over and they hugged me as well, and of course that made me cry even harder. Inuyasha pulled me aside, " Oh Kagome, there is always 'Trouble In Paradise'." We hugged again.