• The forest shook with the heavy steps of the minotaur army. High above the vampires flew high, their leader, Genesis, shouting at others telling them to go there or there getting them ready.
    They couldn't fall back any farther. The ocean right behind them. If they dared flew over the ocean they wouldn't find land for mile upon miles, and one by one they would fall into the deep depths of the ocean.
    The minotaurs new this well the vampires were trapped no where to run. The minotaur army moved closer waiting for the vampires to attack for he couldn't attack when they are in the air, but neither could the vampires.
    "Now!" Genesis yelled. The vampires dove upon order jumping upon the minotuars ripping their flesh.
    Cero and a few others knoking the vampires down as they came in range of there axes and war hammers. Cero swun left and right knocking the vampires sensless.
    Cero jumped raising his hammer and then swiftly bringing it down crushing a vampire attempting to get hold of another minotaur.
    "Watch your back!" Cero yelled over the deep screams of minotaurs and the high piched sreaches of vampires.

    "Two hundred men in battle and we've already lost 50!" Genesis told his right hand guard, Seferus. Seferus held a large spear and was heavily armord. They stood upon a hill overlooking the trees watching the masaccar of vampires.
    "The minotaurs will not continue for long with their precious limit." Seferus said remembering the old time when Genesis and the vampires were still part of the Beast Council.

    -Flash back-

    "What!?" Genesis yelled.
    "You and the other vampires are no longer allowed to reach over 1,000. Your kind has infected the humans and the forest."
    "This is wrong! You are making a mistake!" Genesis replied agitated. The council sat there silent while Genesis stood along with Seferus.
    "You are now outcasts of the world. You will not be completly distroyed just keep your population under 1,000."
    "I will not! My kind have the same rights as you!" Genesis continued.
    "Leave or you will be forced too!" With that Genesis and Seferus left walking into the forest.

    -end flash back-

    The minotaurs continued the attack killing over 100 now, and yet they continued.
    "When will they stop!"

    "Just a few more!" Cero yelled, so the minotaurs continued their brutal attack. One after the other it continued for minuets untill the limit was reached.
    "Lets go! We're done here!" Then at the order the minotaurs left leaving the remnats of the vampire army to continue living unless next time they are not so fortunet.