• Sara got a sinking feeling in her stomach. “I don't think I want to know what it is.” she said. Oh I think you do. My Little female you by default now belong to me. You really should have taken the deal. At least then you would have only owed me a boon. Now you are mine. “But That's not fair!” she cried. “I said to leave me alone and you didn't!” True but look at it from my point of view. You where falling and I saw it and thought to my self. I have two choices, offer her a deal and she can move on with her life or snatch her up for my self and keep her. His voice sounded smug and wicked as he looked at her with those green eyes. “Stupid me I turned down the offer which left me wide open for claiming.” She said sarcastically. Yes now your getting it. Now whats that thing on your back? He asked as he turned her upside down.

    She folded her arms over her chest the best she could and narrowed her eyes. “Lets just get one thing strait. I. Do. Not. Belong. To. You. I never will. Secondly, put me down! It's hard to talk seriously when your being twisted and turned up side down like a toy by a dragon.” She said as she was turned yet again upside down. That's where your wrong little one. You do belong to me. Your mine. The sooner you understand that the soon we will get along. Then again I like a woman with fire. Maybe next full moon you will be my bride! He exclaimed in her mind. “Oh no.....no no no no no no....Sorry dragon but I refuse to marry any one I don't know and have only met one time. Plus I don't even know your name yet alone you do not know mine. Plus I don't even like you! I really don't like the attitude your showing me right now either.” She stated firmly scowling.