- Pain racks my body. Pain, with its merciless wrath. The sheer power of it coursing through my veins. It brings me to my knees, but doesn't stop coming. More and more, will it ever stop? My face connects with the floor, white sparks like fireflies flood my vision. My lifeblood pours out onto the ground. I watch as it puddles; like a river it pours onto the ground. My vision flickers, like a dying candle it flickers, until it fades to black, the sweet abyss of black. The pain dulls, my vision fades away completely, I try to come back, but I'm far away already. I open my eyes again, it's black all around. But I look up and I'm not alone, no, I'm not alone... He stands there above me, his sharp eyes smiling: those black eyes staring right down at me. His face is white, beautiful, soft white. I want to touch it, but I cannot move. I cannot reach that beautiful face. He cradles me softly, his arms so sweet, as he leans down towards me. “Rest now, daughter,”His soothing voice whispers, in my ear his sweet voice says. “Your time is come,” He leans in closer, his soft lips at my ear, brushing against my ear. “You can come home now, my sweet...” His tender voice coos in my ear, his velvet tones whisper in my ear. He leans back again, his long fingers touch my lips. He leans in and kisses my brow, with his beautiful lips he kisses my brow. His gorgeous face fades from me, I try to scream, but my throat is dead, my throat is dead and cannot speak. The black enfolds me, the blissful black, it swallows me. The last thing I can think of is his face, the face of the dark Death, the beautiful Death, the glorious angel, Death.

- Title: The Glorious Angel Death
- Artist: Lyht
A little dabble I did... Just randomly popped into my head. Sort of prose-ish, I suppose...ish.
The repeats of things are intentional, don't be all crazy over them...
I plan on drawing a picture to go along with it, but we'll see... I shall post it if I do. - Date: 11/03/2008
- Tags: glorious angel death macabre reaper
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Comments (1 Comments)
- animespic9 - 11/03/2008
- I like how you carried the story, as it starts with a depressing tone, then it becomes more pleasant and warm, and then back down to troubled. Great story! It was sad and sweet at the same time. Great job!
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