• The crowd screamed and shouted as the floats passed in a blur. Children dared to cross the ropes to get a better look at the costumes and balloons. No one dared to watch their step as the stepped on, trampled, and kicked the defenseless little puppy. But, it was all good. A parade is a time of joy and laughter, not a time for worry and pain. Right?

    Sure, the puppy would whine and whine for its mommy but it will never know that she was long gone. She was swept away in the madness that was a parade. Why were humans so blind? They didn’t care who they hurt so long as they got their entertainment. Well, this puppy of six weeks wont survive this parade like the hundreds of people who kick, trampled and stepped on him. No, he will die a slow painful death that wouldn’t claim him until after the festivities were over. Poor puppy, right? Maybe, depending on your morals. The people who stepping on him and ignoring his loud cries think so, but they felt like they shouldn’t interfere because of silly reasons such as these; He may belong to someone, they’ll get him. Someone will help him. I don’t have to be the one. He’s not my dog. He’s a stray, he maybe sick. Etc.

    Those people forget one simple fact about this situation. He’s just a six-week-old puppy. That’s like letting a baby get kicked around and just hoping for someone to save it. No, this puppy will not live, but what of his mother? She will miss her puppy wouldn’t she? Of coarse, and because of his loss will she get angry? Yes, indeed. Will she suffer long? That is a given, but she’ll hide it. She’ll bare the pain and move on, she still had six other mouths to feed, one loss wasn’t big but what do others think?

    She had a big litter, one was bound to die. Dogs don’t care, they’ll eat their babies if they get the chance. She’s just a dog, and dogs don’t have feelings. Maybe she won’t remember, she wasn’t with him that long.

    Who cared what they thought. They were humans. They had no emotions. Not the adults anyway. Humans were the type of creature who’d shun their own species for showing too much emotion. Especially the males. Fairy, gay, f**, wimp, girly, etc. But, it was all right because in the end they were the smartest creatures on the planet, right? Well, they didn’t know that to be a fact, now did they? Sure they had big heads, but it wasn’t the biggest. Sure they could communicate, but couldn’t every living creature? What made them so special? So special that they thought that they could rule the world with an iron fist? They still hate everyone who isn’t the same, sure there were the oddballs who accepted everyone, but everyone was basis about something.

    But, who cared about the humans, they are the ones who are all powerful and so smart. They barely learned that their precarious little speck in the universe was being destroyed by none other then themselves. Shocker.

    Back to the puppy. He lay there in the middle of the slowly disappearing crowd, he could no longer walk, his hind legs were crushed by a heavy set man with a corn dog in his mouth. He did try to crawl but found the fault in that plan when a kid dropped a drink on his back. The puppy looked up at the bothersome people, putting them all on his hate list if he ever survived this mess, that he, of coarse, wouldn’t. Never giving up, as it was in his blood, the puppy struggled away from the children and adults. He found a nice little gutter to lie in. He could now call for his mother without the threat of another mindless attack on his life. He cried, and cried but to no avail. He was lost. Lost in the middle of the crowded streets of San Francisco. Would no one take notice (with care) about this little puppy? No, not today. And to think, this puppy had a nice warm home uptown with his loving humans who decided to take him and his family to the parade. Too bad his humans didn’t take into account that his leash would snap. Did they even know he was gone? He laid his head down on the thundering ground, giving up. There was nothing left for him here. His family was gone, and his legs broken. His throat was dry and horse from crying. He had nothing left.

    Tobby! Tobby! The parade was over and the little puppy was hanging on by a thread. His breaths were getting more and more shallow. He didn’t know how much longer he had but he was numb to the pain now, nothing bothered him. He smelled a familiar smell and felt a familiar tongue. His mother had found him, she barked loudly and the sound of more humans started the little puppy. He began to whimper again but the touch of his mother eased him. Soon he was lifted and placed in something warm that smelled of home.

    How could people be so cruel? The familiar voice of his owner said as she carried the puppy to her car. She quickly drove him to the vet taking the only not crowded street at the moment. Yes, she would try to save him. But it wouldn’t work. Like I said before he will die.

    Two days later the puppy awoke in the vets office with his legs bound so tight that he couldn’t move them. He felt a lot of pain in his lower back and his head and he began to call for his mother. She quickly ran to his box, they kept him in the open so that his mom could be close to him, and gave him loving kisses. The puppy lived. I was wrong. What did you expect, I’m only human.

    The End