• Catie Hills woke up. She looked around her big room. She looked at how much room there was in her room; how much room was in the house. "It would be nice to live somewhere small and quiet." Catie thought. Staring out of the window to the big garden which must fill the whole of europe, she sighed.

    Minnie Woke up. She wasn't a bit like her sister, so she just walked out of her room, not noticing how much room there was. She could fit an elephant it there, or the two horses, snow-belle, Catie's horse, and Cham-Baby. Off she walked down the stairs, trying her best to climb down them all.
    "Catie, come down stairs or you'll miss the bus." That was one bad thing about living in the Hills's household. You had to catch the bus. "Maybe I don't want to go to school on the bus!" cried Catie angrily back to her mother, "It's covered in chewing gum and the people on there are disgusting!"
    "Catie, stop acting like a spoilt brat!! Come down stairs and try some of your fathers oatmeal!"

    Catie sighed, disgusted at the fact her mum wanted her to eat oatmeal.

    When Catie came home from school, she looked around. Something was different. She walked in to see her father sobbing. "what's the matter with Dad?" Catie asked, suspiciously.
    "Our car got repossessed, and we are being forced out of this mansion and into a 2 floored house!!" replied her dad.

    Catie felt delighted, but she tried to sound pitiful because her family was all upset.

    So off they went. "fourty-two elm street." her mother said. 42 elm street was small. a little back garden and small rooms, just perfect to fit the beds in and not a lot of room to play. Catie liked the look of it. That night, whilst Catie was drinking hot cocoa and sitting on her bed, her wardrobe slid open. She walked over and shut it, but it screamed and opened itself again. It kept opening more and more and out popped a figure so strange. It had massive black eyes, green skin and a big head. Catie was just about to scream, but the strange thing said, "Stay Calm!" and Catie couldn't speak! Her lips were being sealed and she couldn't move them. It was an alien invasion, Catie thought. All of a sudden, she couldn't move her feet, or her whole body, and the alien walked down the stairs to greet the other family members in the hills' household. One by one, the families down elm street were all frozen. They weren't cold, but they couldn't move or make a single noise, but they could see and think fine. No one knew about this, because every one down elm street was frozen.

    Seven Years passed, and all the families died. The police found out after no one was paying taxes and went to investigate. They saw the Hills and all the other families, dead and frozen in time. As they investigated, they saw one last thing that could have caused them the whole case. Before Catie died, she cried a tear, which spelt the words, 'Stay Calm.' The police wondered what Catie could've meant by Stay Calm, but they needed to know what caused the deaths.

    Five Years passed, and the police stopped investigating. But it got worse. The aliens had swept all across the nation, killing people all over England and freezing them with just two words, 'Stay Calm'.

    Nobody knew what to do, so they just gave up. Soon, everyone was gone. Well, everyone except the police stations. They all survived. Aliens took over the planet, and used the police as slaves. That was how the police knew what happened to the others. If any police disobeyed the aliens, they would be frozen.

    so, if you ever have strange happenings in your home town, move away, call the police, and, whatever you do, DON'T stay calm!!